Sweetest July Film (5d Mark 2) at DVinfo.net
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Old August 17th, 2010, 11:28 PM   #1
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Sweetest July Film (5d Mark 2)

Hello guys, just finished up a film for the holidays purely for fun and interest using the 5d Mark 2 have a look and i don't mind being screwed... still learning anyway... lol.

Title : Sweetest July

Part 1 - YouTube - SJ - Part 1
Part 2 - YouTube - SJ - Part 2
Part 3 - YouTube - SJ - Part 3
Part 4 - YouTube - SJ - Part 4
Part 5 - YouTube - SJ - Part 5
Part 6 - YouTube - SJ - Part 6
Part 7 (Last) - YouTube - SJ - Part 7 (Last)

Thanks for viewing !
Anthony Tham is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 19th, 2010, 12:00 AM   #2
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Posts: 77
Hi Anthony,
Just some things I noticed when viewing the film: (I won't spare you...)
It is a long film, but I watched all episodes, so you must have done something good. Still think it could improve if you would make it say 30% shorter. The sometimes lengthy shots add to the tension but sometimes too much.
The story is simple but interesting enough. I do find some parts a little confusing. P.e. the lengthy opening where Charles receives a letter about a design suggest a different direction to the movie.
Another thing: when the girl leaves the hotel for a walk and at the end of the day Charles finds her in the park looked a bit too obvious for me. The role of the other actors is not always clear. Seems like you introduce them to explain the story, not needed though.
Lighting is sometimes very good (like in the hotel room), but some scenes could improve by some color correction to connect more to each other.
The sound is the weak part of the movie. It is not even that bad, but sometimes continuity is lost. Moving from one shot with clean sound to another shot in the same scene with a lot of background noise is a bit disturbing (hey, I said I would not spare you).
Subtitling looks professional, but is not really needed.
Anna acts great, so does Charles in most part of the movie (some slight overacting in a few scenes). The other actors (especially the first guy in the park) are ok, but not as great as the two main characters. The first park scene I found to be obsolete to be honest.
For the most part well chosen music, but could sometimes be more background. One thing I noticed is that you change from audible dialogue to a scene with only music, while the actors still talk to each other (when Charles and Anna go out after he met her in the park). I would suggest that you would then switch to a more distant camera standpoint to enhance the contrast.
Sometimes you have the camera on a tripod and sometimes not. In some instances the 'shaking' camera add to a filmic look, but sometimes it's just disturbing. Especially when you change from handheld to tripod in one scene.
Finally I thing the film could improve if you would cut some cliche scenes and work more on your own style (which I think you have), like building up tension. Get more in the mind of the characters.
Well done though!
Mario Vermunt is offline   Reply

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