why 1080i out of hdmi when proggressive? at DVinfo.net
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Canon EOS Full Frame for HD
All about using the Canon 1D X, 6D, 5D Mk. IV / Mk. III / Mk. II D-SLR for 4K and HD video recording.

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Old June 14th, 2010, 05:43 AM   #1
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why 1080i out of hdmi when proggressive?

Is it just me but both our large review screens [37" pana LCD 1080p] and our [50" pana 1080p plasma] will take a 720p signal ok but the 5dmkii records 24p,25p and 30p
so why does it make our tvs revert to 1080i when reviewing footage out of the 5d mkii HDMI out?
Ive asked a similar question before but now with all the firmware updates installed our footage seems a lot smoother than before with our L glass lenses both on the camera LCD and the computer but still a bit stuttery when viewed on the big screens straight from camera.
Whats the 7d footage like with this?
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Old June 14th, 2010, 10:50 PM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Scottsdale, AZ 85260
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I'm not sure I understand a your comments properly since you seem to be talking about stats that refer to different things in the same context, but if I'm correct in my interpretation of what you're asking - I suspect you're not understanding that when you put a 5dMkii shooting HD into RECORD mode, the DIGIC processor at the center of the camera can't handle the data rate of BOTH writing at 1920x1080 to the card AND presenting a full high-def signal to the LCD and/or an external monitor.

So the camera down'rezzes the monitor signal output.

The 7d, OTOH - having a SMALLER size native raster, generates less raw data - so the processor in THAT camera can do both simultaneously.

As I understand it, It's simply a matter of data rate and CPU processing power, if you will.
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