Some Vegas Quirks (Vista 64 with 32 bit Vegas) and fix! at
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Old March 30th, 2009, 01:57 PM   #1
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Some Vegas Quirks (Vista 64 with 32 bit Vegas) and fix!

For my friend's wedding we put together a small video for the reception. I've recently upgrade my pc to try to handle video better (Yes... of course I would get a mac pro and FC if I had the $$ to throw out. My Neleham i7 cpu with 12 gb's of ram, 2 tera raided, ATI 4850, with a blue ray drive cost me about 900~) I have a 32 bit version of Vegas 8.0c?

Used most of the guides posted here and it worked amazing at first.. Later I started running into trouble the more videos I put in the timeline. The total video was about 8 minutes.. Around the end of the video I found it IMPOSSIBLE to work with and render anything. It continually crashed when I was doing almost anything. I felt like I was going throw the PC out the window at any moment...

I eventually found a bandaid fix and hope it will help some others in my situation. These are the three things I did.

1) Turn off the multi-core power of my CPU in the bios
2) While in windows I pulled up the task manager and set priority to vegas at the highers and affinity to only one of the cpus (right click on vegas in the task manager)
3) Went into rendering options and change the options to not show video while rendering and knocked down the ram usage for it.

This FINALLY worked after trying everything and researching for hours.

For Videos that are not made up of much clips i've never had this problem but the more clips the worse it got. If anyone else has similar problems feel free to email me and i'll walk you through the process. I want to upgrade to the 64 bit version of Vegas but still haven't found any confirmation anywhere that this wouldn't happen with that one.
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