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Canon EOS Full Frame for HD
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Old February 18th, 2009, 01:11 PM   #1
Inner Circle
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Your Top 5 Reasons to Go with 5D MK. II

I consider myself a film maker, at this point, having spent the last several years trying to develop some skills. I have debated for some time the idea of going with this camera as the next step in my "film" experience building. I took the plunge and ordered one for the following reasons:

1. I need to start working with 35mm style shooting, learning the tricks of that style filming.

2. I have played with various adapters attached to my FX1 with varying success, but wanted something more direct and less complicated. I have no doubt that given the infirmaties of those 35mm attachment, this camera fills that bill.

3. The camera will easily adapt to multiple Nikon lenses I have accumulated.

4. The price is great. I look at it as cheap tuition to learn more about this style of shooting.

5. This camera, will get me to the point that I can consider the next step-- Scarlet with a full size chip.

Of course if someone out there came up with a firmware that would resolve some of the difficiencies of this system, that would be great, but from the footage I have seen thus far, this camera, even without 24p, will provide some decent images and filming techniques to build a reel.

What are your reasons ?
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old February 18th, 2009, 02:13 PM   #2
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Ok, I'll play. I have two reasons.

1. It Makes Financial Sense -
I was going to buy a second camera to match my XHA1/Letus setup. That camera would likely be an HV20 with a Letus to match the look. The cost of that rig would be more than $1,500. If I sell my DSLR (40D), and getting this instead of the HV20/Letus it starts to make financial sense.

2. I can take it places I can't take a video camera.
If you shoot documentaries, you constantly run into the problem of attracting unwanted attention when your goal is to blend in. This camera will allow me to shoot in locations I could never shoot with my video rig.
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Old February 18th, 2009, 02:20 PM   #3
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Great thread. For me the reasons are (not limiting myself to five):

* Great value compared to the current crop of 1/3" video cams.
* Ability to learn 35mm film making.
* Great low-light response.
* Compatibility with inexpensive, used lenses.
* Simplicity (aside from the lack of manual controls), compared to a 35mm adapter.
* A great photo camera.
* Ability to program different looks on the RAW side of the codec. (Sure, I'd rather have RAW out, but this ain't a RED.)
* Ability to create stunning images. The codec might not be perfect, but it's pretty darn solid.

That said, I'm doing narrative work. We're I doing live sports or other one-chance-to-get-it-right video, I'd have skipped it.
Jon Fairhurst
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Old February 18th, 2009, 02:27 PM   #4
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I just ordered mine this morning, so I'll bite. Here are my 5.

1) 35mm dof without having to use a 35mm adapter and making my camera 3.5 feet long. (which I'm selling to fund this purchase)

2) As guerilla as you can get. Will be able to get shots/locations that I never would have with a JVC HD100

3) Light + small. Run, gun, 'n go. a Steadicam Merlin can replace my bulky Glidecam V8.

4) It's a 20 megapixel SLR, which beats my 8mp 1D mk II (which I'm selling to fund this purchase.)

5) ultra clean low light/high ISO stills/video.
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Old February 18th, 2009, 03:16 PM   #5
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Okay, I'll jump in. I'm a long time user of high end Canon still equipment and have only dabbled with video in the past - so I'm one of the many 5D MkII video converts. This is a truly fantastic still camera, but I've had mine since early December and probably 75% of what I've done is video. Part of it is the investment; it would be very hard for me to justify high end video equipment, but with the 5D MkII the starting video camera is free for me. Here's my top 5:

1. I already have the Canon gear

2. Great reason to stop dabbling and to jump seriously into video

3. Practical - small, light, easy to handle and use - and great HD video

4. The dual mode, video/still, makes video even more practical

5. Great match for the aviation and aerial stuff I do

The other side of this coin, if you mainly shoot video the 5D MkII is a chance to experience a very high end still camera.

My expectation is this is gen 1 from Canon and it will only get better.
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Old February 18th, 2009, 04:56 PM   #6
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Here are my five reasons...

1. Amazing shallow DOF!
2. Amazing shallow DOF!
3. Amazing shallow DOF!
4. Amazing shallow DOF!
5. Amazing shallow DOF!


Did I mention the amazing shallow DOF...
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Old February 18th, 2009, 05:38 PM   #7
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by David Koo View Post
Did I mention the amazing shallow DOF...
Um, yes. ;)

That said, 70mm film is even shallower. You could have gone with that. :)
Jon Fairhurst
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Old February 18th, 2009, 06:40 PM   #8
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1- 1080p
2- full DOF
3- I can use my Nikkor, Zuiko, Zeiss and Leitz glass
4- 21mp stills
5- I can sell my Nikon, XL2, XL1, (try to sell my) mini35 and pocket the change...
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Old February 19th, 2009, 04:08 PM   #9
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  • Control over depth of field.
  • Powerful light gathering ability (if you use wide apertures).
  • Very wide selection of lenses.
  • Convenient and inexpensive recording media.
  • Jaw-dropping timelapses.
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Old February 20th, 2009, 12:30 AM   #10
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You will also know my biggest reason for switching when you see the photos here. Look at the second photo. My 35mm adapter rig is a beast!

For quick broll shots in tough locations the 5D seems worth its weight in gold.
Michael Friedman is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 20th, 2009, 12:51 AM   #11
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Michael Friedman View Post
You will also know my biggest reason for switching when you see the photos here. Look at the second photo. My 35mm adapter rig is a beast!
Nice article, Michael.

Your perspective is spot on. We imagine that the next new toy will change the game. We buy it. Sometimes it pays off. Other times, we end up with a boat anchor.

My guess is that the 5D MkII will suit you well. Testing your experience with your existing photo cam is a good test, but my guess is that it will only feed your gear obsession. Kind of like dating a girl you don't care about to see if you're ready to date the girl who haunts your dreams. You know which girl you'll be thinking about. :)
Jon Fairhurst
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Old February 20th, 2009, 07:44 AM   #12
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Why I bought the 5D Mark II

1. My Canon D30 was getting a bit dated, and I've fancied a full-frame DSLR for a while.
2. It has a 21MP sensor, which is just so geeky cool. It is my excuse to upgrade to Gigabit-at-the-desktop and move to 15K RAID arrays across the board.
3. The 5D Mk II costs a fraction of the 1D, and comes in just under the threshold where wives and accountants start asking questions.
4. All my lenses were Canon*, so I didn't consider any other option other than another Canon body.
5. That Reverie video, that was the deal clincher. 35mm 1080p. I didn't *need*, but I sure did *want*. I sold myself, hey, I can show these videos to my grandchildren, I can tell them "I was there, at the start of the 'DSLR Video' revolution. I was a pioneer! We had to untwist the lens to force an aperture setting". A bit like my Dad telling me about his Betamax video recorder.
6. My mate just bought a consumer 1080p camcorder :)

*Funny thing is, since purchasing the 5D Mark II I now have more Nikon glass than Canon glass, so my next camera purchase won't automatically be a Canon, and I am free to consider if Nikon have a better body when the time comes. Actually, I could probably ebay all my Canon glass and be up on the deal! So, in hindsight, I could also add point 7. - It is not a costly toy, but actually a solid future investment.
Thane Brooker
8Networks - IT Specialists

Last edited by Thane Brooker; February 20th, 2009 at 07:48 AM. Reason: Typo
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Old February 20th, 2009, 08:08 AM   #13
Obstreperous Rex
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1. Lusted badly over the first 5D and told myself I'd buy its successor.
2. Enjoyed using the Rebel and Rebel XT, but ready to move to full frame / zero crop factor.
3. Enjoyed using the Rebel and Rebel XT, but ready to upgrade to a bigger & better D-SLR.
4. A good excuse to own L-series lenses and a 580EX II SpeedLite.
5. That HD movie mode thing sounded kinda cool too.

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Old February 20th, 2009, 09:50 AM   #14
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I'd probably echo most everything here especially owning two big, long HD rigs with 35mm adapters.

The one thing that I'm just in love with that surprisingly didn't get mentioned - shooting tapeless to inexpensive CF cards.

That is revolutionary in and of itself.
It makes our production workflow so much faster and simpler.
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Old February 20th, 2009, 11:51 AM   #15
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1. It's affordable.
2. It's easy to use.
3. It's incredible in low light.
4. It has very shallow DOF.
5. It's a great still cam.


1. Lack of 25/24p.
2. No manual controls.
3. Aliasing.
4. Rolling shutter.
5. Bad ergonomics.
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