Canon 60D - "No card in camera" although card is in camera at
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APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old August 28th, 2013, 04:58 AM   #1
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Canon 60D - "No card in camera" although card is in camera

Hello everyone

I have a Canon 60D and today suddenly it said "No card in camera" although I have a card in the camera. I tried with another card and the same thing happens. Both cards have been working perfectly until now, it seems to be something with the card slot in the camera.
Anybody has a solution to this?
Urban Skargren is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 28th, 2013, 09:04 AM   #2
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Re: Canon 60D - "No card in camera" although card is in camera

i have no knowledge about the canon d60.

that said, i might suggest doing a manual reset which i believe is an option within the tools folder.


be well..

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Old August 28th, 2013, 09:17 AM   #3
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Re: Canon 60D - "No card in camera" although card is in camera

I did reset it to factory settings but it didn't help. Thanks. I handed it in to Canon.
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Old August 28th, 2013, 09:29 AM   #4
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Re: Canon 60D - "No card in camera" although card is in camera

I think A1ex over at Magic lantern had a similar problem. Turned out to be a bent pin in the SD slot. Try shining a light in there to see if anything is amiss.
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Old August 28th, 2013, 06:43 PM   #5
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Re: Canon 60D - "No card in camera" although card is in camera

I had the same problem with a 5D MK2. It was a bent pin. Even though it was slightly out of Warranty, Canon fixed it and only charged me shipping.

That's one of the reasons I don't use ML. I don't think Canon would have been as generous if I had.
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Old August 28th, 2013, 11:24 PM   #6
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Re: Canon 60D - "No card in camera" although card is in camera

ML is unrelated to a bent pin.

Canon has gone on record that they don't really have a strict warranty policy. If it's under warranty and you caused the problem (like dropping it, getting sand in the mechanism, etc....) it's your fault. If the camera simply came apart, it's on their dime.

I have a strong suspicion that their policy with bent pins is the same no matter what.

The sticky point would come if the main board dies and you've been running ML. Maybe ML killed it. Maybe not.

But if a button falls off, they won't be blaming it on ML.If anything, they've taken an "ignore it" attitude toward ML.
Jon Fairhurst
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Old August 29th, 2013, 01:33 PM   #7
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Re: Canon 60D - "No card in camera" although card is in camera

You know very well what I meant, Jon, so don't insult my intelligence by admonishing me that ML has nothing to do with a bent pin. ML leaves its fingerprint in the camera. Canon would see that no matter what kind of repair they do because they always check the camera out fully before sending it back.
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Old August 29th, 2013, 01:50 PM   #8
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Re: Canon 60D - "No card in camera" although card is in camera

Sorry, Charles. I didn't mean to imply that you would think that ML was related to a bent pin. I'm guilty of stating the obvious.

But you made an assumption that Canon treats ML user differently than others: "That's one of the reasons I don't use ML. I don't think Canon would have been as generous if I had." And I specifically remember reading a statement by a Canon USA exec that they didn't void warranties and such for items that are unrelated. They might detect that somebody used ML, but there's no evidence that they charge ML users differently for unrelated service. You might have that fear but I have yet to see evidence to back it up.
Jon Fairhurst
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Old August 29th, 2013, 08:16 PM   #9
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Re: Canon 60D - "No card in camera" although card is in camera

Originally Posted by Jon Fairhurst View Post
You might have that fear but I have yet to see evidence to back it up.
Fair enough. I haven't either. But from my life's experience, which is considerable because I'm older than dirt, if they were going to gig someone it would be the first time I tried to get something by on them. My middle name is Get Caught, so I've learned to err on the side of caution.

Beside, my Canon cameras do everything I bought them for, so I don't see much sense in messing with them.

Others are entitled to have different opinions.
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Old August 30th, 2013, 12:26 PM   #10
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Re: Canon 60D - "No card in camera" although card is in camera

I recently had my camera repaired by Canon. New main board.

I bought the camera in 2008 and had run ML many, many times, dating back to the original alpha version. (I worked with Trammel to confirm that the AGC override worked properly.) Recently, we've been shooting RAW for greenscreen work. At the end of the day, the camera locked up and wouldn't re-boot, even after removing the main and clock batteries for extended periods.

Did ML cause it? I have no idea. I've read of similar failures (no re-boot) mainly from people who just shoot normal photos. Maybe the board had too much heat soak. We'll take precautions to minimize its on-time in the future.

Anyway, the camera is long out of warranty, so I paid full price (about $650), but there was no indication that I was treated differently. ML was not mentioned.

No doubt, using ML adds complexity and risk. If the advantages are slim, avoid it. For us, shooting greenscreen RAW, the results are like night and day. We'll keep using it, but more conservatively. We had been leaving the camera on and ready to shoot ML RAW for hours at a time.
Jon Fairhurst
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