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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old January 23rd, 2013, 08:02 PM   #16
Major Player
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Montreal
Posts: 388
Re: Max ISO setting 60d/7d

"Native" ISOs in the camera are native gain steps that are neither "pushed" nor "pulled" from other ISO levels. Now, while I am not sure entirely about which iso levels do what, you might find that ISO 250 being more noisy than 320 if 250 is simply native ISO160 'pushed' to 250 (1/2 of a stop, so imagine pushing ISO160 1/2 of a stop in post).

Now, I am using these numbers just to explain how native ISO are cleaner than non-natives, but I dont know if 250 is indeed a pushed 160 or a pulled 320. The post-native ISO push/pull to simulate intermediate ISOs is what causes some to be cleaner or noisier than others. Would it be cleaner to shoot 160 and push in post rather than 250 or the like, I don't know, never tested. I guess it heavily depends on how the camera handles things internally with intermediate ISOs.
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