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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old May 17th, 2011, 12:21 PM   #1
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sdhc card which one

Can anyone tell me the difference between these two identical apart from the ending on the cheaper one says
sdhc uhs-1 ????????

or can anyone get these cheaper anywhere else in uk with a link if poss. steve
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Old May 19th, 2011, 01:30 PM   #2
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Re: sdhc card which one

Either one will work in your 60Ds provided the seller didn't get taken in with counterfeit. I would order the one fulfulled by amazon as that is your best assurance of getting what you think you are ordering.


That info in the description is in error. The "EXTREME PRO" is UHS 1 and is 45MB/s instead of 30MB/s. I use a couple of the 16GB version of the EXTREME PRO in my 60D and although the camera doesn't need that speed and works just fine on my older EXTREME 20MB/s and 30MB/s cards it may be a bit of "future proofing" as often as I seem to fall for the newer models.

Consider this one, comes from, so I would trust it's genuine

And it's even priced less than one of the cards you linked to.
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Old May 19th, 2011, 03:22 PM   #3
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Re: sdhc card which one

Thanks again Bruce just ordered one cheers
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Old May 20th, 2011, 04:43 AM   #4
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Re: sdhc card which one

I'll second that. I have 4 of the 32GB SanDisk UHS-I cards and I feel very comfortable. I wouldn't trust my livelihood with anything less.
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Old May 20th, 2011, 04:50 AM   #5
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Re: sdhc card which one

I've been using 4x Transcend 32Gb Class 10 & 4x Transcend 16Gb Class 10 for the last year and they work great.
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Old May 20th, 2011, 04:55 AM   #6
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Re: sdhc card which one

Can't argue with that. But I was talking to one of the guys at San Jose Camera (pretty big local retailer) and he said the cards that come back for repair/return/recovery least often are SanDisk. That was all I needed to hear.
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Old May 20th, 2011, 06:34 PM   #7
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Re: sdhc card which one

And in the years I've been following reliability issues from complaints in all of these forums SanDisk media seems to have far fewer problems than the other brands. While Transcend has a better record than A-Data, Patriot, Dane-Elec and several others, I've seen enough reports of problems and failures with those that make me more than a bit wary.

The users of any who have not experienced problems will always say theirs work flawlessly. Doesn't help the poor soul who gets home and finds he can't read his files.

I'm retired and these days use my gear for personal stuff, but were I in business I would not take an unnecessary chance. I would use nothing but SanDisk (well, that's all I use anyway) with the one exception possibly being Hoodman RAW after doing more research.

You know, we spend about a Grand or more on our cameras and want to skimp on "bargain" media.

Not me (and I'm not a "brand snob" either).
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Old May 21st, 2011, 08:00 AM   #8
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Re: sdhc card which one

I don't mind spending a tad more on Hoodman. Their RAW cards are built like little bricks (compare their "steel" case to the others), and their customer service is exceptional. I'm a long time customer and a big fan of theirs.
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Old May 24th, 2011, 09:15 AM   #9
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Re: sdhc card which one

Over the weekend I was testing my 60D with a 8GB Transcend SDHC card. Atleast 4 or 5 times I had the camera stop recording "automatically". Is this completely attributable to the card ? I already had a 32GB Transcend on order which has since arrived. I have contacted the seller and they are happy for me to return it so I have already budgeted to by the Sandisk Extreme Pro equivalent.
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Old May 24th, 2011, 11:00 AM   #10
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Re: sdhc card which one

The camera reporting recording stopped automatically is usually a sign that the card cannot keep up with the camera. This is one of the most common complaints I have seen from Transcend cards that folks had problems with.

The Transcend cards that work to specs do work well for the owners who say "Mine have worked flawlessly", and that's good for them. The Transcend record is often much better than the other "crap" brands I mentioned in a previous post.

But their QC is not up to SanDisk and Hoodman RAW standards.

Another factor to take into consideration is that many "bargain" brand cards seem to "get warm" and this has been noticed when the overheat warning icon appears. I've seen several post on forums that when that happened the card was noticeably warm or in a few cases even HOT to the touch.

The worst in this kind of case seems to be Patriot cards but I've seen a few reports of it happening with Transcend too.

My 60D and T2i both function fine with my older 20MB/s Class (6) SDHC media (SanDisk), they don't actually need the latest 45MB/s UHS 1 media. But Canon techs have told owners (over the phone) that the Canon cameras can be "brand picky" (and the same seems to hold for Nikon cameras too) when it comes to media. They have recommended in these phone contacts that the owner try SanDisk Class (6) media and the "problem" goes away.
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Old May 25th, 2011, 04:50 AM   #11
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Re: sdhc card which one

Thanks Bruce. The Transcend I was using was even a class 10. I have never had an issues with Sandisk compact flash cards in my 7D so admittedly I have a little bit of brand loyalty but I was trying to save money. The Sandisk equivalent SDHC card is twice the price of the Transcend. Still, better safe then sorry.
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Old May 29th, 2011, 11:59 AM   #12
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Re: sdhc card which one


You've just experienced "sorry". But I wouldn't be surprised to see several Transcend owners step in and say "I've never had a problem".

Now that same card just may seem to work as it should if you format it in your camera before use on each project. Several have reported their Transcend cards gave no problems after they started doing just that.

I've seen reports of a few SanDisk owners not formatting their cards in camera, preferring to delete unneeded files either in the camera or on the computer. A few never even bothered to format a new SanDisk in the camera but started using them right off the bat.

And got away with doing that for awhile

In the reports I've seen, not formatting the media in the camera eventually caught up with them.

But with some Transcend cards what you've experienced seems to happen a lot sooner.

For the record I format my SanDisk media in the camera as soon as I have verified the files have copied successfully to two external hard drives.

Now, if you're using 8GB media this, to me, seems to be a great value for the price. I used to pay more than this for Class (6) media!
I've used 8GB media for ever since I had a T1i (which has a new home, I'm glad to say) and shooting "short" stuff never missed the bigger cards. However I've started using the 16GB version of this Extreme Pro which is still only $69. Until B&H sold out, their 16GB Class (10) 30MB/s media were priced higher.
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