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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old June 25th, 2010, 02:37 PM   #31
Inner Circle
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I am with you on this Jon. I am shooting both 5D and now the T2i, and I am tickled what I can get out of them. I shoot within their limitations- limitations that stretch past low light capabilities of most other cameras, and I am contantly amazed about the moving images we get out of the cameras. The complaint I hear are something like, "Well I got this camera now, and it does mostly what I can do with a real 35mm cinema camera, but I guess that not what I want... I want it to be more like the video cameras I am used to......." Seems like every one wants autofocus and video camera like zoom capabilities, and zone this and that on and on. Don't get me wrong, these features are nice, but we don't need them to make great moving images.....
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old July 10th, 2010, 11:44 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Liam Hall View Post
Spring 2011 for Scarlet? You may be right, but I doubt it.

Apart from already announced cameras from Sony and Panasonic, Canon are announcing a new vDSLR in July - one that's been tuned for video. How tuned is another matter...
where did you hear about this could you provide me with the link?
Kajito Nagib is offline   Reply

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