Dancing Dots when I export in PRO RES at DVinfo.net
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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old May 10th, 2010, 03:43 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 2
Dancing Dots when I export in PRO RES

Hey all,

I am currently having a problem with my export.

I am shooting from a canon 7D.....I convert my files using mpeg stream clip and edit them in FCP.


WHen I export my final product in ProRes (any format, 422, 4444, LT, HQ) I get all of these dancing dots all over the screen, but when I export using QT, there are no dots.

Can any one help me?
Lorenzo Escalante is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 11th, 2010, 11:35 AM   #2
Join Date: Nov 2004
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I'm not sure I understand what's happening, can you post a sample clip?

Regarding exporting in ProRes, do you choose file>Export>Quicktime in FCP to export? If so what settings do you choose? If it's current settings, then what are your sequence settings? What version of FCP and OS are you running?

Regarding your comment "in ProRes (any format, 422, 4444, LT, HQ) I get all of these dancing dots all over the screen, but when I export using QT, there are no dots." There is no Quicktime (so to speak) its a wrapper, when you export ProRes it is a Quicktime, when you export H264 it is a Quicktime. It just depends on the codec you choose in the Export>Quicktime dialog box.

Also, as a rule of thumb if your final output is for an HD Broadcast then ProRes LT is plenty, if your outputting to film then you may want to use ProRes HQ, however, you should have encoded and worked in an HQ timeline to begin with.

I work almost exclusively in ProRes and XDCAM and I have not experienced anything like what your describing. That's not to say Apple hasn't changed something in Quicktime for iTunes that didn't screw things up. It's been known to happen. But fortunately for me I have not experienced anything wrong with ProRes, having said that it's most likely a conflict between your sequence and output settings.
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Old May 12th, 2010, 11:24 AM   #3
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Posts: 38
What are the specs on your Mac? Model, OS version, FCP version, RAM, etc.?

I've had a similar issue, but it occurs when I render footage in the FCP timeline (i.e. filters, effects, etc.). I always work in Pro Res HQ. I've found that I can delete all my render files, go back into FCP, render it a little at a time, and then that usually solves the "dancing dots" problem (in my case they look more like dancing blocks, artifacting, pixelating in weird places). I am pretty sure my issue stems from my G5 itself, as I can take the project to my work Mac (an Intel iMac) and everything works fine in both the renders and the exports.

I guess it's just time to get a new machine.
Michael Winget is offline   Reply

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