HELP! Jammed Battery at
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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old April 13th, 2010, 08:14 AM   #1
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HELP! Jammed Battery

Hi all,

have a 7D with a battery locked/jammed in it. The battery is not a Canon original and was a one of two I just got through the post. I charged them and compared them to the canon and both appeared identical. When it came to loading it however, the battery was not locking in properly and with a slight, and i do mean slight bit of force it clicked in. Realising that the other batter did not need as much force to go in, I tried to click it out by pressing the battery release, but it has locked itself in. I don't want to try to prise it out with a knife in case something at the other end has locked if you know what I mean.

Can this be released and does anyone know of this kind of thing happening?

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Old April 13th, 2010, 08:36 AM   #2
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I wouldn't try to pry it out if you can help it.... you might try to find one of those removable adhesive wall hooks that 3M sells and stick it to the bottom of the battery (or a loop of gorilla tape or maybe even gaffer tape would be strong enough) Let it set a bit, and then push the release button aside with the tip of a pen or something and gently pull on the battery with the tape/hook. It's probably not stuck as tight as you think, and there shouldn't be anything on the other end that's locked. The 3M adhesive strips have something like a 10lb rating, so that's a pretty good amount of pull before it will give way. (unless something is stuck on a contact point. Did the battery slide in easily up to the point that you had to push to get it to click in, or was it a tight fit going in?)
good luck
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Old April 13th, 2010, 08:39 AM   #3
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Can't really help you with your specific problem but this has been discussed before on here to an extent so just posting the link so people can read it all and make up their own mind on battery purchases.

Maybe...just maybe... if you Superglue something to the base of the battery, allow it to really be well stuck and then try and ease the offending (swollen??) battery out? Usual disclaimer of not being liable for any expensive repair bill should this go wrong should now follow I suppose. Either that or Canon will need it back and be prepared for a big bill. Good luck mate and what a Bu*m$r.

Edit: I see Derek has a similar idea!
Andy K Wilkinson -
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Old April 13th, 2010, 10:52 AM   #4
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Removed! Got it out - although took two knives and prising back the battery release clip to remove it. I bought the batteries from ebay, and strange thing is that one of them fits and ejects no problem!! Also came across a post on another forum with someone experiencing the exact same from ebay batteries, right down to the other battery working too!!!
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Old April 14th, 2010, 09:12 AM   #5
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A good reason to use only quality batteries. People have had the same problem with XH A1 batteries that were not from Canon. Manufacturing tolerances aren't always accurate.
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Old April 14th, 2010, 10:11 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Martin Campbell View Post
Removed! Got it out - although took two knives and prising back the battery release clip to remove it. I bought the batteries from ebay, and strange thing is that one of them fits and ejects no problem!! Also came across a post on another forum with someone experiencing the exact same from ebay batteries, right down to the other battery working too!!!
Do that a couple times with each battery you bought while at home. After that, they should release normally (why, I don't know!). I figured this out the hard way while on a shoot, had to find a couple small screwdrivers really quickly. I only use these batteries now in emergency situations when I drain my Canons.
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Old April 15th, 2010, 07:44 AM   #7
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Had this problem as well with an ebay battery I recently bought. the two small slots on the battery have these little flat blade terminals that got moved on me... I moved them back to the center and used a small flat head screwdriver and pushed it between them to create a little more space. The other ebay batteries I bought a long time ago for my 5D were Phottix brand... never had a problem with those.
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Old April 15th, 2010, 03:15 PM   #8
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Here's a story about a battery one of my kids was working with... not a camera battery but a good story

We charged up the after market battery and was just about to install it.. and I noticed it was pretty warm and
was getting warmer... it got so hot it started to melt the plastic cover and not having a whole lot of time
getting the battery to where it wasn't going to cause any damage I tossed it out the back door of the house
into the yard... the battery burst and a small flame shot out the side of the battery...

My thoughts at the time was that if that had of been a battery being put into one of my camera's and it
burnt up my camera there wouldn't be any warranty work on that Camera... so I don't buy aftermarket
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