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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old January 31st, 2011, 07:50 PM   #46
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It's been a few months and I'm still getting updates to this thread, so it's my turn again I guess!

Out with the old and in with the new: I've just picked up the JAG35 Field Runner kit and I have to say, I'm very impressed with the unit. At just over $600 with Zacuto rods, a top handle and follow focus, this is by far the most functional shoulder mount I've had the pleasure to use so far.

Pictures are a little bad because I was forced to use my cell phone, but you can see the general layout of the rig. The whole thing is quite adjustable and has an offset railblock that raises up the LCD and Z-Finder to eye level. The mount for the camera is remarkably well designed with battery access, an attached thumbscrew and a secondary pin to keep the camera centered on the rails. Behind the shoulder pad, there's plenty of room to mount additional accessories like a ZOOM recorder.

The follow focus is incredible for the price - $139 - and really has made my life a lot easier when shooting handheld. The rings are pretty solid as well, and attach to the lenses with different size plastic screws.

I opted for the Zacuto aluminum rods to save about 8oz of weight. For $60 it seemed worth it, and now I'm glad I did. The handles are also quite nice, and adjustable so you can get a solid grip on the follow focus - all machined aluminum under those grips.

I've realized by this time that this probably sounds a lot like an ad, but I'm honestly very impressed with this moderately-priced, high-quality piece of gear. And if you don't have a follow focus, go order a Dfocus V3 right now :)
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Nate Haustein PXW-FX9 / FCPX
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Old February 6th, 2011, 01:39 AM   #47
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Thank you Nate!!

Originally Posted by Nate Haustein View Post
It's been a few months and I'm still getting updates to this thread, so it's my turn again I guess!

Out with the old and in with the new: I've just picked up the JAG35 Field Runner kit and I have to say, I'm very impressed with the unit. At just over $600 with Zacuto rods, a top handle and follow focus, this is by far the most functional shoulder mount I've had the pleasure to use so far.

Pictures are a little bad because I was forced to use my cell phone, but you can see the general layout of the rig. The whole thing is quite adjustable and has an offset railblock that raises up the LCD and Z-Finder to eye level. The mount for the camera is remarkably well designed with battery access, an attached thumbscrew and a secondary pin to keep the camera centered on the rails. Behind the shoulder pad, there's plenty of room to mount additional accessories like a ZOOM recorder.

The follow focus is incredible for the price - $139 - and really has made my life a lot easier when shooting handheld. The rings are pretty solid as well, and attach to the lenses with different size plastic screws.

I opted for the Zacuto aluminum rods to save about 8oz of weight. For $60 it seemed worth it, and now I'm glad I did. The handles are also quite nice, and adjustable so you can get a solid grip on the follow focus - all machined aluminum under those grips.

I've realized by this time that this probably sounds a lot like an ad, but I'm honestly very impressed with this moderately-priced, high-quality piece of gear. And if you don't have a follow focus, go order a Dfocus V3 right now :)

Hey Nate I just wanted to thank you for this great information. I did not know about the existence of JAG35 until you wrote this post. I think this is exactly what I was looking for because I always wanted a Zacuto (Zacuto Double Barrel) but I am definetelly opposed to pay that kind of price. I am still interested on the indiSYSTEM ULTRAcompact Package, but the Full DSLR Shoulder Rig with Zacuto rods seem to be considerably better and for less than 200 bucks more I think it is forth the price.

I will add the D Focus V3 follow focus and perhaps the JAG35 Monitor X (but I am not sure about this one).

So, just that. I wanted to thank you because your input was very valuable to me.

I wish you a very successful 2011 with your company!! (I checked your website and it looks impressive!!)

Best Regards,

Ben Tolosa
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Old August 20th, 2011, 09:17 AM   #48
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Re: Canon 7D *Official* DSLR Rigs & Discussion ~Post Your Pics/Learn To Build It~

An update on my canon 7D rig.
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Old October 22nd, 2011, 02:44 PM   #49
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Re: Canon 7D *Official* DSLR Rigs & Discussion ~Post Your Pics/Learn To Build It~

nice rig man!
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Old November 15th, 2011, 08:42 AM   #50
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Re: Canon 7D *Official* DSLR Rigs & Discussion ~Post Your Pics/Learn To Build It~

I have a new rig coming this week pics to come!
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Old November 22nd, 2011, 01:06 AM   #51
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Re: Canon 7D *Official* DSLR Rigs & Discussion ~Post Your Pics/Learn To Build It~

The pictures on this thread look like a catalogue for disabled photographers. Maybe it's me, but this whole concept of adding zimmer frames to a camera looks ridiculous. Why not get a decent camcorder, it will probably be a lot cheaper.

I love the concept of HDSLR cameras, but the simplicity is lost when all the add ons have been added.

Just my quirky thoughts, no offence meant.
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