Quick, Easy, Inexpensive, Clever Focus lever for 7D at DVinfo.net
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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old March 29th, 2010, 04:13 PM   #1
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Quick, Easy, Inexpensive, Clever Focus lever for 7D

Some may have done this already but I haven't seen it posted anywhere after a quick search. I went to the local hardware store and got a pack of cable ties (sometimes called zip-ties) I got a pack of the "larger", "heavy duty" ones in both the white, and the black colors. Zip one of these around the focus ring of your lens until it is as snug as possible. Next trim the rest down to a length that you can use as a focus lever (leave about 2 1/2 inches or so). If you got the heavy duty ones that I mentioned, it will be sturdy enough to use as a lever. Just a tiny bit of flex on the make-shift lever as you use it that you may actually prefer and like. Probably have to use a box cutter type knife when ready to remove it completely from the lens...just be careful not to scratch/cut the lens or yourself.

-If you use the black ones - It actually blends with the color of the lens and gives a decent focus lever.

-If you use the white ones - yes, it stands out more, and people know what it is... but the white ones create a dry erase marking surface in addition to making a decent focus lever. The smooth shiny side of the tie should be facing outward and gives an ideal marking surface.

I plan on getting the Cinevate "Durus" Follow Focus here one of these days along with one of their lovely DSLR rigs....'til then, this will help me out a little.

Last edited by Steve Witt; March 30th, 2010 at 11:48 AM.
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Old March 29th, 2010, 05:37 PM   #2
New Boot
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nice work. and i agree, cable zip ties are a godsend to indie filmmakers haha

Luke Frater. Filmmaker.: Making your own lens gears... on the cheap.
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Old March 29th, 2010, 06:04 PM   #3
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Very Nice Luke! You're correct...They are good for a bunch of things. I'm not an indie filmmaker but I enjoy making fantastic moving pictures. I got my "zip tie focus lever" idea from the Cinevate Durus Focus lever that attatches to their focus gears. I don't have any gears so I needed another solution to create a decent lever. It really does work quite well.
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Old April 5th, 2010, 01:42 PM   #4
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Steve do you have any pictures of the setup / can you post them here? Thanks.
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Old April 5th, 2010, 06:55 PM   #5
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These aren't the greatest pics.....just took a couple of very quick snaps. But here it is. Notice that I have made a mark on the white zip tie with a dry erase marker. Make as many marks as you need and then use the fixed black dot as a static index to all of your focus ring marks. Then just rub it clean with your finger. (The flat smooth shiny finish of the white zip tie is ideal for dry erase markers). Notice the black one cannot be marked on but blends with the color of the lens. The remaining tab after you trim to about 2.5 or 3 inches is solid for focusing. You must use the "heavy duty" zip ties (got mine at LOWES). I can say that this does work as a focusing lever very very well. The only downfall I can find to using these is: A zip cable tie on your lens, looks like a zip cable tie on your lens.
Attached Thumbnails
Quick, Easy, Inexpensive, Clever Focus lever for 7D-dsc02382.jpg   Quick, Easy, Inexpensive, Clever Focus lever for 7D-dsc02385.jpg  

Quick, Easy, Inexpensive, Clever Focus lever for 7D-dsc02384.jpg  

Last edited by Steve Witt; April 5th, 2010 at 10:47 PM. Reason: add pic
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