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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old December 22nd, 2009, 08:09 PM   #1
Regular Crew
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 47
Bad power, burst battery and skipping frames

I posted a thread few weeks ago complaining about my files that were skipping frames.

I'm writing this just in case any of you have the same trouble...

It wasn't so simple and I still cannot conclude that, but it was sorted out like this, after a combination and different attempting:

I was using the snow leopard dvd to repair disk and permissions, but nothing helped. So I used the installation dvd that came with my computer and repaired all, then I did the same with and again with the snow leopard. Even this time it was written that one permission couldn't be fixed, but the disk repair was successful: no frozen or slow app and the files were playing very well even from a 5400rpm USB external drive!

Ok, good, I have now working's.

But then I realized that I'm working all this time without battery (It bursted!!!) using the AC power and the led of it was quite weak, not very bright... Actually this AC power adaptor (a bit bigger than the original) is a 2° one that I had to buy because the stock one I lost. I cleaned it very well, even if I couldn't see any dirty and now the led is bright, oh yeah, now it is normal...

So, I was concluding this:

Or my AC power was oscillating power (dirty or not) that caused the burst of my battery and wasn't providing enough energy to play the movies and slowing down the app's.


Tomorrow I'll carefully test the AC power... if it was an AC power malfunction I will certainly ask for new battery and AC power replacement.

Thank you all
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Old December 23rd, 2009, 01:10 AM   #2
Regular Crew
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Echuca, Victoria, Australiamate
Posts: 179

Best of luck with the testing.

On the subject of bad power, may I offer the following advice;

If you are filming a wedding or function that has power supplied by a generator (ie its in the middle of nowhere) do not fall into the temptation to run gear off the power supplied.

I was setting up to film an outdoor wedding by the riverside, and noticed a live musician setup - keyboard and amp.. then heard the generator purring away happily in the bushes nearby.

I was tempted to tap some power to save battery life.

A plume of smoke from the amp and flames spurting out of the power plug... and then the power cable is in flames.

So, the keyboard artist had to to a special vocal performance...
And lug away a dead amplifier and equally dead keyboard..

Ben Longden is offline   Reply

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