7D overheats in Africa - Page 3 at DVinfo.net
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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old December 14th, 2009, 11:48 AM   #31
Major Player
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Location: Lancashire UK
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I got over heating on my 7D last week for the first time.

Shooting a performance constantly in a warm theatre (not hot or anything) with the 70-200 L 2.8 on one end and a Zacuto Z finder on the other end. I was shooting for about an hour and a quarter before the icon showed. There could be something in the theory of a loup causing a lack of heat dissipation as it's the first time I've experienced the overheat problem and first time I'd used the Z-Finder in anger so to speak. Easy to tie the two phenomena together I guess.

There was some zooming and some focus pulling and I was shooting at 1080p 30 (to match to the other two cams being used which were 5D2s

I didn't push it too much, just let it cool for a few mins and then carried on. The symbol kept reappearing though. Images were fine although I did notice a glowing pixel in the dark areas in later footage.



Last edited by Wayne Avanson; December 14th, 2009 at 11:50 AM. Reason: spelling
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Old December 14th, 2009, 01:05 PM   #32
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Dakar, Sénégal, West Africa
Posts: 30
Hello from Dakar

Hi Daniel,

Good news for your 7D, the temperature is getting down in Sénégal ! I am an Ex-1 (and Nikon) user living in Sénégal considering 5D/7D, If you 'r coming in Dakar before 26 th of December, I'll be happy to met you for a drink.

One of my last " documentary style " work in Saint-Louis Sénégal with the EX1 :
Barnen som lever på gatan, Senegal - Radiohjälpen | SVT Play

Bruno Deméocq
221 77 568 31 87
Dakar - Sénégal - EX1- Nikon D7000 - HVRA1 - H4 - FCP 6.0.6 / http://brunodemeocq.viewbook.com/ bdeme@mac.com
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Old December 15th, 2009, 02:34 PM   #33
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I am in Dakar right now. I arrived early this morning from Accra.

Yes the camera had no problems today, but I also didn't record much as well.

I am staying at the Auberge Marie-Lucienne hotel in Dakar. I don't drink but I would love to sit down with you and talk shop!!! You could also check out the 7D system that I have brought.

I will have some free time on Sunday afternoon, since my host will be at a wedding service.

Daniel Weber
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Old December 16th, 2009, 02:42 PM   #34
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Update from Dakar,

Well I really think that the humidity is a real problem. The weather here in Dakar has been much better than of that in Accra. Very dry and not as hot. Thus the camera has not overheated at all. I have also been careful to turn the camera off when ever i am done shooting. I spent the morning walking around Goree Island and filmed with no problems.

I also take the Z Finder off the camera when not in use and put it in my vest pocket.

This seems to be the best way to battle the overheating on the camera.

By the way I love this forum!!! I was able to meet up with Bruno, who responded a few posts up from mine, and we met for tea tonight and I was able to show him the camera. He is also kind enough to help me try to arrange a shoot in a mosque for Friday. Thanks Bruno!!

This really shows the power of the internet!!

Daniel Weber
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