Mix camcorder for wide angle shots ? at DVinfo.net
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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old December 4th, 2009, 10:18 AM   #1
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Mix camcorder for wide angle shots ?

I am just a hobbyist and just started shooting with a DSLR. I have several consumer level HD camcorders that shoot very nice wide angle video with everything in focus.

Was going to buy a fisheye wide angle lens for my 7D, but since wide angle typically is a deep depth of field, has anyone mixed in a consumer camcorder for wide angle ? Idea is to mix 1920x1080 30p footage from camcorder with footage from the DSLR.

The 1.6 crop factor on the 7d, plus the cost of quality wide angle lenses has me looking for other options.

Here is a quick wide angle clip from my Sanyo Camcorder.

Is this too sharp, too much depth of field, too videolike ?

Last edited by Ron Chau; December 4th, 2009 at 12:48 PM.
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Old December 4th, 2009, 02:47 PM   #2
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Hi Ron, all of this is obviously really subjective. It depends on what you hope to do with the footage. If this is a hobby for your enjoyment just posting on the web and sharing with friends, then it doesn't really matter.

Did you also shoot the "Canon 7d Times Square & Central Park?" If you compare the quality, look and feel of that video versus this one you can see quite a difference. Could you have cut in some shots from your more traditional video camera and have then gone largely unnoticed? Certainly, you would just have to make sure you didn't exceed the dynamic range of the video camera, (that's when video really starts to look contrasty).

Of coarse everyone likes to get feedback from their peers to continually try and improve. The best way to find out how good you are at mixing and matching footage is to do it and don't tell anyone. If people constantly pick the camcorder footage out from the 7D footage then I guess it won't work. With a little color correcting in post you can probably get away with it.

If you shot the footage in the park, keep doing more of that, simple, well shot and fun. I think I feel a cough coming on...
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Old December 4th, 2009, 07:42 PM   #3
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You are right Chuck. I should go out with both, shoot the same scene and see if I can edit them to look similar except for the angle.

Was just curious if people had already tried and failed or succeeded.

Yes, Times Square & Central Park is my video and yes this is just a hobby. However, I would like my videos to look the best they can and many of my hobbies do turn into a few $$ opportunities here and there.

Last edited by Ron Chau; December 4th, 2009 at 08:30 PM.
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Old December 4th, 2009, 08:56 PM   #4
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Your diving video's are very interesting. I also was amused by the relationship between your camera and the young woman, she plays to the camera well. I can't even get my dog to go for a walk with me if I have a camera in my hand...

Ok, that didn't sound right, in no way am I comparing my dog and that beautiful young woman. More about how tired my family is of me using them as test subjects.

For what its worth, I think your videos are really quite good and using the 7D might help you go to the next level. It helps bring good photography principles to shooting video. You definitely have a good eye and a sense of composition. If your using your traditional video camera simply instead of purchasing a more expensive wide angle lens, that's cool. You'll quickly figure out what works and when you decide its a good time to purchase more lenses I'm sure your productions will immediately improve.

I recently completed a feature length movie where we did use some 5dMkII footage, it edited together seamlessly with our XDCAM footage. How well you can accomplish this depends in part on what kind of tools you have available in post production. If your using the FCP suite of tools you have Color, which is the best application in the suite.

Anyway, I'm rambling, keep up the great work.
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Old December 4th, 2009, 09:46 PM   #5
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Thanks for the encouragement Chuck. This is a learning experience. I kind of figure things out as I go along. I like to watch other people's video and remember what looked good/bad and shoot/edit accordingly.

Yes, my girlfriend does seem to act naturally in front of the camera. She complains, but she kind of owes me. Funny story. She borrowed my Sanyo camcorder for her friends wedding. Came back, handed me the camcorder and said: "I told the bride you would make a wedding video for her." HUH ? You told her WHAT ?

Her friend had no money for a photographer or videographer, so friends gave her whatever photos/video they took. I did my best with what footage she took and a few pics from friends. Not sure if the bride was happy or just being polite, but she saw the video on vimeo and asked for a copy on dvd. Now whenever my girlfriend complains about being in front of the camera, I remind her.

I edit with Vegas. I'm a PC guy, so I don't know how it compares to FCP.

Thanks again.
Ron Chau is offline   Reply

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