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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old November 14th, 2009, 10:10 PM   #46
New Boot
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Location: Sunshine Coast, Australia
Posts: 8
Originally Posted by Andy Wilkinson View Post
Starting from a cool/off camera I filled my 16GB Sandisk Extreme III card with 1080p 25fps video until I got the card full termination. I tried to get near enough successive instant starts of recording as soon as the previous 4GB clip closed out. No overheating icon at all...maybe I'm just not shooting for long enough yet - judging by some of the posts above I need it going for much longer.
Wow! No way I could fill a 16GB card with non-stop (you know what I mean) shooting. Interested to see what your other tests show.

Canon here is baffled! As I say, I'm on my third and they are all essentially the same. 30 - 40 mins depending on the ambient temp.
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Old March 19th, 2010, 06:18 AM   #47
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This maybe a bit behind the times but I've recently purchased a 7D to use along with my 5D2 and ran into the overheating issue when I used it for the first time on a shoot yesterday.

I was shooting in an air conditioned building, not very hot at all. I was using a marshall HDMI monitor so the LCD wasn't on and used the camera on and off all day. I was shooting at 1080/25 and recording to a 32GB UDMA Sandisk Extreme card. At one point in the day though I was shooting an interview and after around 15 minutes of continuous use the temperature warning light came on. I had no choice but to leave the camera running and the footage looks fine.

It's a bit worrying that this happened in non-extreme temperatures though, I'm planning on using the 7D at an event in St Tropez in May and now I'm a little concerned about this issue.

The 5D was fine all day.
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