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Canon EOS Crop Sensor for HD
APS-C sensor cameras including the 80D, 70D, 7D Mk. II, 7D, EOS M and Rebel models for HD video recording.

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Old September 25th, 2009, 06:04 PM   #16
Obstreperous Rex
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Originally Posted by Daniel Bates View Post
All focal lengths are given with respect to full-frame 35mm standards; so a 17mm EF-S is the same as a 17mm EF lens.
Well, yes and no. It is true that a 17mm EF-S is the same as a 17mm EF lens. Both are 17mm in focal length.

However, it's not really "with respect to full-frame 35mm standards." Instead, it just is what it is, which is 17mm.

If the focal lengths of EF-S lenses were given with respect to full-frame 35mm standards, then they'd have an entirely different set of numbers on them (for example, they would be labeled with their 35mm equivalents). Instead, they're labeled with their *actual* focal length, which doesn't have anything to do with the full-frame 35mm standard, or any other standard for that matter... for example, the focal length of the Canon XH series camcorder 20x lens is 4.5-90mm and it's not related to the 35mm standard at all.

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Old September 25th, 2009, 06:25 PM   #17
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I'm wondering why no one is mentioning the 10-22mm... its a great lens for the 7D...
you can read users comments about the lens here...

FM Reviews - EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
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Old September 25th, 2009, 06:36 PM   #18
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That would be the EF-S equivalent of the EF 16-35mm (just not as fast, and not an "L" class).

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Old September 25th, 2009, 07:08 PM   #19
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Samyang has a new 14mm F2.8 that would have an 89° FOV on the 7D.
Samyang offers 14mm F/2.8 IF ED MC Aspherical lens: Digital Photography Review
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Old September 25th, 2009, 07:13 PM   #20
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That one may be on my 7D shortlist, but for an all-purpose "walkaround" lens it may be too wide, methinks.

But it's supposed to be a kick-a*s lens.

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Old September 25th, 2009, 07:39 PM   #21
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ah... the 16-35... one of my favorite lenses.... but at $1500 to the $750 for the 10-22mm

another good solution is the 70-200 f4... a great lens, L type,super sharp output and also takes to the x1.4 and x2.0 extenders.... and the pic quality is actually good with the extenders stacked... to get out to ~900mm

and with tubes it does a pretty good job of macro work.

I've always liked the Scarborough faire photos from this lens...

Its also small enough to take on vacation..
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Old September 25th, 2009, 07:45 PM   #22
Obstreperous Rex
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Agree w/ all you're saying, Ray, but the price difference between the IS and non-IS versions of that lens makes me cringe a bit ($650 vs. $1230). Believe I will take the f/4 over the f/2.8 for its smaller size, lower weight and greater portability.

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Old September 25th, 2009, 11:01 PM   #23
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I also have the 70-200mm F/4 L non-IS and can attest to it's dead on sharpness. It's the L lens series little $650 secret. On the 7D you'll get 112-320mm equivalent. Can't beat that for the price and quality!
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Old September 26th, 2009, 05:11 AM   #24
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With my experience with a telephoto on the 5d, I wouldn't settle for anything without IS if you're going to be doing much telephoto work. Rack focus shots can be ruined if you're on a monopod or on a shoulder system without the IS. Does it happen all the time? No, but that one shot you can't miss is usually when it decides to happen.

I wouldn't suggest anything with a variable aperture throughout the zoom as I've read reports of the aperture being affected to cause problems in the video in the beginning with the 5D. I'm not so sure if the manual control has fixed that issue, but it's still considered a not so good idea to use those zooms.

If people have reports of no issues, I'd be the first one in line to jump on a variable aperture lens :).

Now of course this is all considering you have it wide open and not stopped down as it won't change apertures if you are at 5.6 for a 3.5-5.6 lens. If that's the case, ignore :).
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Old September 27th, 2009, 02:44 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Chris Hurd View Post
Well, yes and no. It is true that a 17mm EF-S is the same as a 17mm EF lens. Both are 17mm in focal length.

However, it's not really "with respect to full-frame 35mm standards." Instead, it just is what it is, which is 17mm.

If the focal lengths of EF-S lenses were given with respect to full-frame 35mm standards, then they'd have an entirely different set of numbers on them (for example, they would be labeled with their 35mm equivalents). Instead, they're labeled with their *actual* focal length, which doesn't have anything to do with the full-frame 35mm standard, or any other standard for that matter... for example, the focal length of the Canon XH series camcorder 20x lens is 4.5-90mm and it's not related to the 35mm standard at all.
So a 17mm PL lens on the 7D (if it was possible) would give the same or very close field of view it gives on a 35mm movie camera or that a 17mm EF-S lens would give on the 7D right?
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Old September 27th, 2009, 02:08 PM   #26
Obstreperous Rex
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There's several different sizes of 35mm motion picture frames (3-perf, 4-perf, Super, etc.), but the
answer is yes, due to the *roughly* equal sizes of the APS-C and 35mm motion picture frame sizes.

APS-C = 22.3mm x 14.9mm

35mm 4-perf Academy = 22mm x 16mm

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Old September 28th, 2009, 09:54 AM   #27
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would the tokina 11-16mm 2.8 or tamron 17-50mm 2.8 VC(low light is important to me) make a good first lens purchase to go w/ either the 18-55mm or 28-135mm kit?

i'm deciding if i should go body only and purchase the 18-55mm for $100 or just purchase the 7D w/ the 28-135mm kit lens. but either way, i would like to purchase one f2.8 lens as my budget will only allow.

camera will be on a various shooting situations which include crane shots, tripod, shoulder mount, handheld and steadytracker.

thanks for your feedback/suggestions.

Last edited by Jaser Stockert; September 28th, 2009 at 10:28 AM.
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Old September 28th, 2009, 11:09 AM   #28
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I personally wouldn't bother with the kit lens and just spring for a tamron 28-75 2.8 if you're looking for something in that focal length. I've had that lens and it took great pictures. I'm not so sure what it would be like in video mode. I use the sigma 24-70 all the time and get great sharp results in video with the 5d and since the tamron is considered comparable, I can assume it'd be a great choice.

If you're looking for wider, the 17-50 you mentioned is always a great choice.

I personally will be going with a 17-55 2.8 is and telephoto first then shortly after purchase a tokina 11-16 (if I can ever find one).
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Old September 28th, 2009, 12:19 PM   #29
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tamron 28-75 2.8 is ok for 5D, but not very convenient for 7D, you probably mean 17-50 2.8 which is EF-S equivalent.
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Old September 28th, 2009, 02:33 PM   #30
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well i've narrowed down my choices between the tokina 11-16mm 2.8 and the tamron 17-50mm 2.8. both cost about the same and have gotten great reviews. i'm trying to decide between the two as my overall video lens as this is what i can budget for now. i like the tokina for its wideness and the tamron for its zoom range. your thoughts?
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