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Canon Cinema EOS Camera Systems
For all Canon Cinema EOS models: C700 / C300 Mk. II / C200 / C100 Mk II and EF / PL lenses.

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Old September 8th, 2017, 05:10 PM   #1
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travel case for c200

So I have the c200 and bought the 18-80 very happy with the combo.

I would like to bring the camera overseas to Scotland and also need a case for general use here.

I bought the rolling Teneba 21 case, thinking the camera would fit into it in a setup position with handle on and
monitor. I was surprised how small the Teneba case is. The camera doesn't fit when built out. I am thinking of returning the rolling case.

Do most of you just have similar cases and break the camera down?

any suggestions appreciated
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Old September 8th, 2017, 10:20 PM   #2
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Re: travel case for c200

Originally Posted by Richard Kane View Post
So I have the c200 and bought the 18-80 very happy with the combo.

I would like to bring the camera overseas to Scotland and also need a case for general use here.

I bought the rolling Teneba 21 case, thinking the camera would fit into it in a setup position with handle on and
monitor. I was surprised how small the Teneba case is. The camera doesn't fit when built out. I am thinking of returning the rolling case.

Do most of you just have similar cases and break the camera down?

any suggestions appreciated
I always break down my camera to as small as it can go for travel. I think having relatively delicate items like mic mounts, touchscreen brackets and touchscreens, etc. protruding from the camera when it is going to be possibly subjected to shock, the case being slightly crushed in an overhead, etc. means that is not a good idea. I used to travel with my $80,000.00 Betacam built out but modern sub $10k cameras are not built ANYTHING like a Betacam, which weighed a ton but were built like tanks.

When I fly, my C200 is completely broken down, wrapped in a nice Domke lens wrap, put into a cushioned Tenba camera case that is placed into a Tom Bihn Brain Bag backpack So it has triple wrap and cushioning. Big lenses like my EOS 70-200 2.8 IS II ride side by side after being also wrapped in a Domke wrap. The Touchscreen, mount, Zacuto EVF, cables, etc, all ride in padded Porta Brace pouches in a Sachtler DR 3 Bag.

OTOH, when I am home and shooting locally, I build the camera out completely and just wrap it in some towels on the rear seat floor of my car wedged in behind the passenger seat so when I arrive, I can grab the camera, put it on tripod, size up my frame and go to work lighting and setting up sound. For me, I only break it down when I fly. If I am driving, I do the exact opposite because I am often one man banding it locally and every second counts and for every minutes I save not building the camera out, I can spend it on better lighting and sound.
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