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Canon Cinema EOS Camera Systems
For all Canon Cinema EOS models: C700 / C300 Mk. II / C200 / C100 Mk II and EF / PL lenses.

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Old February 16th, 2016, 05:26 PM   #31
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Re: C300 vs C300 Mk2 vs ?

Originally Posted by Josh Dahlberg View Post
I don't have a use for the audio recorded to channels 3/4 by the pin prick mic. It's not "hard" to disable in post, but as a FCPX user (which does not have a traditional timeline) it's certainly a nuisance. It adds an unnecessary step every time you add a clip to a project as the audio properties have to be changed within individual clips.

It would simply be nice to be able to control the volume of these channels, as you can for 1/2 (or indeed for 3/4 if you plug a stereo mic in via 3.5mm jack).
Not sure if you've already tried this, but in FCPX you can select as many clips in the clip browser as you want, and then go into the Audio Inspector and uncheck/disable scratch channels. That makes it so you won't have to remember to disable the scratch audio every time you place a clip in the project/timeline.

I usually record a scratch track during B-roll as well as interviews, so this FCPX feature allows me to disable that scratch before I begin editing. But the scratch tracks are still there if you ever need them. Not sure how C300 clips import, but C100 clips usually imports as stereo tracks, so I select all clips and convert them to dual mono and then disable the scratch track.

Hope that saves you some time, cheers -
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Old February 17th, 2016, 11:57 PM   #32
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Re: C300 vs C300 Mk2 vs ?

Thanks Slavik,

Yep, that sounds right.

Originally Posted by Scott Stoneback View Post
If it does take external input to channels 3/4, then it would still be great to be able to adjust those channels and have some configurability. I can imagine using a stereo mic to channels 1/2, an IFB source from mixer on channel 3 and the camera's mic on channel 4.
Yes Scott, the 3.5mm input is sent to channels 3/4 (even if the source is mono, it will go to both channels). You can adjust the volume level using the joystick, and you can even apply attenuation. And you can monitor it by configuring the audio outputs.

It makes for some useful options with an external mixer.

However, if you use the 3.5mm input the camera's inbuilt mic is disabled, so you can't quite use it as per your example.
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