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Canon Cinema EOS Camera Systems
For all Canon Cinema EOS models: C700 / C300 Mk. II / C200 / C100 Mk II and EF / PL lenses.

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Old September 4th, 2015, 09:10 AM   #16
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Re: C300 Mk II White papers

Originally Posted by Douglas Call View Post
Do you think the Blackmagic Design Smartview 17" 4K monitor would be compatible with the C300? I t has 4K monitor ins.
You would need some sort of converter to get 4k out of the C300II into this monitor. Dan Keaton from Convergent Design says the Odyssey 7Q+ hardware is capable of this type of conversion, although not currently implemented.
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Old September 4th, 2015, 11:43 PM   #17
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Re: C300 Mk II White papers

Originally Posted by Barry Goyette View Post
You would need some sort of converter to get 4k out of the C300II into this monitor. Dan Keaton from Convergent Design says the Odyssey 7Q+ hardware is capable of this type of conversion, although not currently implemented.
Maybe there is a Blackmagic Design (BD) Broadcast Converter or one of their ATEM 1 M/E Production Studio 4Ks that will do this conversion. I still think the Monitor Outs on the C300II will output 4K to an external 4K monitor if the Monitor Output settings are correct. The output from the C300II has to be something specific which means there is a converter that can handle it. If Convergent Design (CD) says their hardware can do it than BD' s equivalent to Dan Keaton also knows how to do it. Since BD is in the business of making everything talk to each other then I think they can do it.
We just haven't found the right combo of converter or something yet. As far as expense goes if Canon had some sort of a proprietary RGB 4:4:4 12-bit RAW output then a $30K 4k monitor would be no better at viewing the output than a $2K 4K Smartview. Since some people in this tread have already mentioned that there are some non Canon monitors that can view the Canon output they just don't want to spend the money to buy it then the connection aspect must already be worked out. Or somebody is blowing smoke. I can't imagine that Canon would design a camera that could be also be used to good effect in a Studio Environment that can't connect in true 4K output to something like a BD ATEM 1 M/E Production Studio 4K what's the point in that.
So unless the Canon C300II is some kind of unique device that doesn't talk to anything which according to their own documentation on page 161 they do let you set MON OUT to 4K and there are 4K MON out settings discussed on that page. It would seem a little self limiting for Canon to make something with MON out that can MON out 4K. Unless Canon has now decided they want to start manufacturing 4K monitors which doesn't sound likely.
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Old September 5th, 2015, 08:53 AM   #18
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Re: C300 Mk II White papers

Originally Posted by Douglas Call View Post
So unless the Canon C300II is some kind of unique device that doesn't talk to anything which according to their own documentation on page 161 they do let you set MON OUT to 4K and there are 4K MON out settings discussed on that page.
It also clearly shows "4K RAW" at the very left. No monitor can show that until it processes the raw signal first, and no monitors do that besides the Canon one. The Odyssey can do it because it processes the raw signal to both record and display, so it could technically debayer and send out in 4K as well, but apparently that's not implemented yet. But it will show the debayered raw signal on the screen.

It simply will not work with anything from Blackmagic and I would bet money that Blackmagic will not be adding debayering abilities to their broadcast gear for 4K raw. That would be a waste of resources to develop on their end.
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