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For all Canon Cinema EOS models: C700 / C300 Mk. II / C200 / C100 Mk II and EF / PL lenses.

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Old April 9th, 2015, 06:32 PM   #1
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C100 or C300?

Hello all,

Hey guys, I’m wanting to see what are your thoughts? With the price drop of both the C100, C300 and the release of the XC10 and C300 MK2, I’m in the market for a B if not A-roll camera.

I already have a C100, 5DM3, with Magic Lantern 123 and plenty of Canon glass. I really like my C100 and don’t have many complaints except of maybe the EVF, but I have a Seagull eye piece that I use and it gets the job done. The frame rates could be better, but I have my 5DM3 shooting raw and if I need slow motion I can shoot at either 48 or 60fps, stretch the image and then use Twixtor. Luckily I don’t need slow motion very often. As for the 5DM3 I do like how the files hold up when color correcting the footage and matching the footage seem to be a little easier, although it’s not perfect. The only other complaint would probably be shooting green screen with the C100, I’ve run into issue at times trying to Chroma Key, but that’s where the 5D with MLR fills the void. This is not an every day problem since I don’t shoot green screen often.

For starters, although I find it interesting, the XC10 is out of the question. I’m not a big fan of the fixed lens, 1” sensor nor is 4K a big deal for me based off of what I shoot. I’ve never had anyone ask me about 4K, plus I’m not sure what they would play it back on. I do like the snap on viewfinder and it would be nice if it would fit the C100. If it would fit, provided Canon would sale the viewfinder only, I would purchase he snap on viewfinder for the C100.

I looked briefly at the GH4 and Sony A7 and neither really appealed to me based off of what I’ve read seen. I’m not saying they are not good cameras, but I really want something where matching is a lot easier. I also don’t won’t to have to get additional lenses, adapter, rigs, etc.

Now that I have that out of the way, for all of the current C300 shooter that have a C100 as a b-roll, how close are these two cameras when it comes to color matching and overall image quality? I can get a C300 for $6499 or another C100 for $2999. I’ve alway liked feature of the C300, but based off of what I shoot, weddings, commercial and a small amount of corporate video that is uploaded to the Internet, I’m not sure If it would be worth going with the C300. I’ve also been told to check out the BMDPC4K, but for the same price as the C100, I think I would rather stay with the C100.

So a quick recap, get a C300 as a A cam and use the C100 as a B cam, or get another C100?

BTW I’m still wondering if 4K will be the future or will there be some other format that come out. I’ve been caught in that trap before from picture and picture to my 3DTV that seemed to be a bust from the start. It was nice to show off in the beginning, but now DirecTv no longer broadcast anything in 3D.

What are your thought?

Dave A
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Old April 10th, 2015, 07:52 AM   #2
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Re: C100 or C300?

If you have clients who care or will hire you specifically for the C300, your answer is obvious. If not, I would get another C100 MKI, if you are already making money with yours and need the B camera. Low cash outlay and you continue to make money with both of them. Another alternative is to get a C100 MKII if the eyepiece and the 1080 60P matter but it sounds as if you have that covered already. These days, my MO is to own the minimal equipment needed to make the maximum amount of money. No more buying it because it's cool.

I have thought long and hard about the C300 MKII. I am in love with the specs but realistically, I don't have the type of clients that would know, care or pay for the difference between my C100 MKII + Blade versus the C300 MKII. So as a business decision, it would be stupid of me to buy a C300 MKII, unless my clients change or I want to become more of a freelance owner/operator, which I don't.
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Old April 10th, 2015, 03:47 PM   #3
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Re: C100 or C300?

For what ever it's worth, C300s are selling like crazy since the price drop....

Jim Martin
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Old April 10th, 2015, 07:46 PM   #4
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Re: C100 or C300?

I'm curious to hear others weigh in on this too. Like many of us on the board, I eagerly awaited news of the C300 Mk II, and was disappointed that, price-wise, it's out of range.

The C300 is very tempting at the new low price, and one of the reasons I consider it over the C100 is that it's taken more seriously, so to speak, and could possibly get me more gigs. But is it foolish at this point to invest in a mere HD camera? What is its realistic life expectancy at this point in terms of shooting for broadcast? That being said, my 2008 EX1 is still going strong and I'm always pleasantly surprised by the picture quality, but it's used primarily for Web-based content.

Any thoughts?
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Old April 10th, 2015, 09:06 PM   #5
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Re: C100 or C300?

I think we have already seen the C300 MKI peak with productions. The pendulum seems to be swinging away from it as the flavor of the week. The MKII may change the swing but I don't really know for sure. 4k is gaining traction even though its true value is limited. I guess people like the sound of the words rolling off their tongue. ;)
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Old April 11th, 2015, 12:14 AM   #6
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Re: C100 or C300?

C300 (original version) will still be around for a while. MKII version won't be available until October. C300 is a solid work horse (and still produces great images). Get a deal on the original version and use it now! It will pay for itself before the first C300 MKII ships (if you have continual work). You'll recoup your money fast (as I typically do).

I'll consider purchasing the C300 MKII later in the year (or early 2016)..........

Last edited by Troy Moss; April 11th, 2015 at 06:42 PM.
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Old April 11th, 2015, 09:39 AM   #7
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Re: C100 or C300?

A friend bought a C300 after hearing how much I love my C100/Ninja 2 setup. (I also did the AF upgrade)
I have shot second for him several times and I can't see a noticeable difference in the footage.
Ergonomically they have their good and bad points.
The Ninja makes my C100 bulky and not easy to rig. But the AF is very nice on the Movi or jib.
His C300 needs a remote follow focus and second operator which adds to the client's bill and makes his rig a LOT heavier.

Now…he is also a steadicam operator and when movie/TV folks call, they are happy to hear he's got a C300. I do mostly corporate/commercial so my clients don't care what the camera is…just that the image looks fantastic.

If I had to buy again I'd do the same. C100 AF with Ninja2.
Spend the savings on good glass!
The older I get, the better I was!
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Old April 12th, 2015, 02:09 PM   #8
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Re: C100 or C300?

To all, thanks for the replies. I think that everyone have great points. So far I'm about 90% convinced to go with a second C100. I could actually get two more for a little less then the C300. I must say that I do like the C300, but as Dan said above, my clients won't notice a difference if I'm shooting with a C100 or C300 nor would it make a difference on what I'm being paid. In the end, I'll probably end up getting one C100 and hold on to the extra cash for a rainy day.
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Old April 12th, 2015, 09:50 PM   #9
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Re: C100 or C300?

Good choice Dave! Always best to keep that extra cash for a rainy day! C100 is a very good camera.
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Old April 15th, 2015, 08:43 PM   #10
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Re: C100 or C300?

My C100 I purchased with the Ninja Blade in November has already paid for itself. I will probably keep shooting with it for another year or so and will then probably find a reduced cost by then C300 MKII or a used one. If I was buying a new camera today, I would buy a new C300 MKI. I could pay it off in a couple of months and I think it will still be a go to camera in LA for another year or two, especially if the average shooter can't get his paws on a C300 MKII until the end of this year, they are going to be like hens teeth for a while.

If someone calls me for a commercial or something with a budget, we rent an Alexa/Amira. But for my day to day low budget stuff and my own spec sizzle reels to sell a series, the C100 MK1 and the Blade are more than good enough. I shot an interview in November up in Half Moon Bay for a big tech company. The executive was wearing a blue and white striped oxford shirt and a tiny houndstooth jacket. I rolled my 5D MKIII as a b camera and the C100 Blade as the A camera. The moire on the 5D MKIII rendered it's footage almost unusable while the C100 footage had really no moire, which was a miracle. That alone, along with the built in audio makes my life so much easier. I am done with my DSLRs other than as B/backup cameras.
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Old April 20th, 2015, 04:07 PM   #11
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Re: C100 or C300?

Originally Posted by Dave Ande View Post
To all, thanks for the replies. I think that everyone have great points. So far I'm about 90% convinced to go with a second C100. I could actually get two more for a little less then the C300.
I have the C100 Mark II and I love the upgrade and have no regrets. However, there is no denying that the C100 Mark I is the best deal going right now.

Make sure you add a C-Cup to it though, those things are awesome.
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