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Canon Cinema EOS Camera Systems
For all Canon Cinema EOS models: C700 / C300 Mk. II / C200 / C100 Mk II and EF / PL lenses.

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Old April 23rd, 2015, 04:53 AM   #46
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Re: C300 Mark II announcement discussion

Originally Posted by Mark Dobson View Post
But I won't make a final decision until I've spent a good period of time playing with the XC100 4k camera to see how the additional resolution and consequential additional storage demands will impact on my business.
It's quite substantial and unless you have 4K monitoring, you'll be hard pressed to see the difference.

But the attraction of the C300 Mark II, for me, isn't 4K. It's 12-bit 1080p/2K internally.
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Old April 23rd, 2015, 09:58 AM   #47
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Re: C300 Mark II announcement discussion


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Old April 27th, 2015, 10:17 PM   #48
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Re: C300 Mark II announcement discussion

Ain't that the truth! I use one soundie who always give me "the look". But it is true, the darn buttons are noisy on the C300. And, that viewfinder info is just way too cluttered. I like to turn display off but there are a few things I like to keep an eye on in the LCD. So, a two noisy clicks... and I see the info again!

Originally Posted by Derek Reich View Post
Okay, as both a long time Sony and Canon user, I can see merits for all the varied opinions for each in this post so far, just as there always is when comparing different camera manufacturers. Some people like Ford, some like Chevy. They all do the job in competent hands. But I have a couple of pressing questions, which have nothing to do with the new sensor, the LUTs or 4K. Maybe it's been covered here already (I admit I skimmed!) but did Canon fix the buttons on the camera to be a 'soft click'?? It's one of the things which drives me crazy on the 300.... you're set up in a quiet interview setting, and I have a compulsive habit of constantly checking focus, especially when using a very shallow DOF, and the subject can't sit still. I do this by obviously utilizing both magnification and peaking, and while the noise from the buttons rarely (if ever) has made it to the recording, it has caused me to receive stink-eye from more than one producer. They don't really know what I'm doing, all they hear is the constant 'click-click-click' as I toggle through magnification, peaking, zebra and this brings me to my other pet peeve with the C300. WHEN is Canon going to get the hint that we don't need all the display data in both the LCD and VF at the same time?? Did they change these small but somewhat annoying little specs?
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