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Canon Cinema EOS Camera Systems
For all Canon Cinema EOS models: C700 / C300 Mk. II / C200 / C100 Mk II and EF / PL lenses.

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Old March 24th, 2013, 06:38 PM   #1
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C100: Targa Trophy Teaser

Shot this yesterday with my 5D MK3 and C100 and here is some teaser footage for you guys. The C100 Picture Profile is Cowpunks custom profile to match the C100 Neutral.

00:05 - 00:09 C100
00:06 - 00:13 5D
00:14 - 00:18 5D
00:19 - 00:34 C100
Canon C100, Canon 5D MK iii, Canon 5D MK ii (Magic Lantern), Panasonic GF1 (Hacked)
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Old March 24th, 2013, 10:25 PM   #2
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Re: C100: Targa Trophy Teaser

It's nice to see the camera shots, but used this way, there's not going to be much difference to see between them. Generally the skies are blown out on the first four shots (covering both cameras) until the change in shot direction.

So these shots don't reveal much about highlight handling or shadow detail differences between the two cameras.

If it was me, I wouldn't even think about trying to read up on camera profile discussions until I'd learned how the baseline camera processes handle day to day issues. Once I had that stuff figured out , I would when and if there was a need to tweek the settings.

But that's just me.
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Old March 24th, 2013, 10:46 PM   #3
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Re: C100: Targa Trophy Teaser

Its not like I have to justify my shot selection but I had to shoot in whatever lighting conditions I was given. This is a carshow where I can't ask the car owner to move the car in perfect lighting because I dont want to blow out the highlights or shoot in shadows. I of course could have shot in Clog or Wide Dynamic Range but I wanted the fastest workflow to match the C100 and my DSLR's.

First shot had to be shot into the sun because the wind was blowing that way and the words would have been backwards on the flag.

Second shot is overcast and early morning

Third shot was still overcast

Fourth shot the car was in the shade and sun was behind me covering the building.

Again, Im taking advantage of the lighting as best as I possibly can I had 3 hours to shoot almost 200 cars.

Originally Posted by Bill Davis View Post
It's nice to see the camera shots, but used this way, there's not going to be much difference to see between them. Generally the skies are blown out on the first four shots (covering both cameras) until the change in shot direction.

So these shots don't reveal much about highlight handling or shadow detail differences between the two cameras.

If it was me, I wouldn't even think about trying to read up on camera profile discussions until I'd learned how the baseline camera processes handle day to day issues. Once I had that stuff figured out , I would when and if there was a need to tweek the settings.

But that's just me.
Canon C100, Canon 5D MK iii, Canon 5D MK ii (Magic Lantern), Panasonic GF1 (Hacked)
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