Originally Posted by Chris Loughlin
I love my Petrol PC300 which (with a small snip in one of the side dividers) enables me to carry my C300 with the side grip attached, along with 4 lenses; 4 batteries + charger; C300 Monitor and handle, NTG3 and muff +XLR lead; memory cards and other bits and pieces. It's a backpack rather than a roller - which I prefer.
On a related topic (as I'm about to fly to South Africa with it all) - does everyone get a Carnet when they travel? I have for this trip - but I''ve done others without, and not had any problems. As it's cost me £500 this time, I just wondered what other people do or have had experience of when travelling abroad with filming gear?
If your working and have more gear than a tourist does get the Carnet. You dont want to deal with issues if you get caught.