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Old March 3rd, 2006, 09:50 AM   #31
Regular Crew
Join Date: Jan 2006
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Originally Posted by Kevin Shaw
Maybe we should all go back to wax clyinders for music and flip-books for video. Who's with me? :-)
Yeah, WAX WHACKS... :-)
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Old March 3rd, 2006, 01:08 PM   #32
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Marco Leavitt
I would almost think there could be class action lawsuit over this.
I hope so.
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Old March 4th, 2006, 03:57 AM   #33
Inner Circle
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It occurred to me, that by setting the flag for downgrading the res of a movie, when played via analog component output on a HD-DVD player, the movie industry could actually be fertilizing a market for pirated disks that remove the dang flag, not to mention, providing an incentive for ticked off customers to exchange uncrippled HD video files on the internet, once HD-DVD burners are affordable and common.

If John Q. Public is given the choice of having to purchase an expensive replacement for his first HDTV, the he already paid through the nose for, and never saw an HD movie on, or just buying pirated disks on the cheap that actually work better than the legal ones, or downloading pirated files off the net, I gotta think a few otherwise honest, law abiding citizens are going to become criminals, and probably feel absolutely no remorse about it after being screwed like that by the video entertainment industry.
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Old March 4th, 2006, 12:33 PM   #34
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crippled hd

Having brought an upconvert DVD player, I've found that the player states that copy protected DVDs will not upconvert to hd, even on component out.

Non-copy protected DVDs will be allowed to upconvert to your TV set.

Thank goodness I have an HDMI connection. I think it's a rip to buy the cables at $60 or more, just to get the benefits you should have.

As to HD-DVD's and Blu-Ray discs, I think I'll wait till the Beta-Vhs debate ends before my purchase.

One other info that you guys might not have heard about. Remember Divx players? Well, the same sort of scheme is in the works for HD discs. They will have time crippled discs, that you would have to pay for to view. They can send movies out ahead of time and won't have to worry about anyone playing the movie till the set date of release planned. An internal clock in the player will work off of the data encoded into the discs.

This works both ways, as I understand it. They can set a time to open the disc to play after a set date or not to play after a set date.

Modern technology, gotta love it.

I have been thinking on one thing that has been in my noggin' for some time.
I was thinking what would happen if somebody used a component out to a SIMA color corrector? I'm not a tech guru so I'm not sure if the RGA component of the Sima Color corrector would work with the component for HD, but if you have three Sima Color correctors that each component is connected to, would that increase the levels in each of the three colors and give you a better output?

My opinion is that HD will gain since Sony's Playstation 3 is set to arrive late, even if Sony claims that they will make their planned scheduled launch.

The other issue with DVD's and HD's that I see is that all this movie companies are saying the sell of DVD's are dropping. Well, I havn't purchased any new DVD's lately, and why should I purchase them when I know a new player is set to arrive and I'll have to repurchase new discs? Am I of the wrong opinion that the consumers are waiting, just like me or are the marketing guys and bean counters at the movie companies know something that I don't.

The movies are set to be priced around $39.00 or so. I won't be purchasing any of the movies for a while. I can't see them selling something at that price. I think it's a fair price to purchase from 12.99-25.99. Am I wrong in this opinion.

Remember Laserdiscs? I owned it and loved it. It was a lot better then VHS and the prices for discs were steep. I've learned my lesson. Wait till prices drop.
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Old March 4th, 2006, 12:50 PM   #35
Major Player
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 219
crippled hd

Having brought an upconvert DVD player, I've found that the player states that copy protected DVDs will not upconvert to hd, even on component out.

Non-copy protected DVDs will be allowed to upconvert to your TV set.

Thank goodness I have an HDMI connection. I think it's a rip to buy the cables at $60 or more, just to get the benefits you should have.

As to HD-DVD's and Blu-Ray discs, I think I'll wait till the Beta-Vhs debate ends before my purchase.

One other info that you guys might not have heard about. Remember Divx players? Well, the same sort of scheme is in the works for HD discs. They will have time crippled discs, that you would have to pay for to view. They can send movies out ahead of time and won't have to worry about anyone playing the movie till the set date of release planned. An internal clock in the player will work off of the data encoded into the discs.

This works both ways, as I understand it. They can set a time to open the disc to play after a set date or not to play after a set date.

Modern technology, gotta love it.

I have been thinking on one thing that has been in my noggin' for some time.
I was thinking what would happen if somebody used a component out to a SIMA color corrector? I'm not a tech guru so I'm not sure if the RGA component of the Sima Color corrector would work with the component for HD, but if you have three Sima Color correctors that each component is connected to, would that increase the levels in each of the three colors and give you a better output?

My opinion is that HD will gain since Sony's Playstation 3 is set to arrive late, even if Sony claims that they will make their planned scheduled launch.

The other issue with DVD's and HD's that I see is that all this movie companies are saying the sell of DVD's are dropping. Well, I havn't purchased any new DVD's lately, and why should I purchase them when I know a new player is set to arrive and I'll have to repurchase new discs? Am I of the wrong opinion that the consumers are waiting, just like me or are the marketing guys and bean counters at the movie companies know something that I don't.

The movies are set to be priced around $39.00 or so. I won't be purchasing any of the movies for a while. I can't see them selling something at that price. I think it's a fair price to purchase from 12.99-25.99. Am I wrong in this opinion.

Remember Laserdiscs? I owned it and loved it. It was a lot better then VHS and the prices for discs were steep. I've learned my lesson. Wait till prices drop.
John Kang is offline   Reply

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