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Old September 4th, 2012, 03:12 AM   #1
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Toast Titanium Disastrous Software Update Fails

Tried to burn a BD via Toast. Prompted to do a Software Update which like a fool I did. Now all I get is the "Setup Assistant" procedure which doesn't work, ends in a greyed out "finish" box.

My problem shared by others according to the Roxio Web Forum and Facebook page.

No explanation from "Roxio" (or "Corel" as they are now known) and all I got in reply to my e-mail via their "Support" was what looks like a standard computer generated response. This illiterate, or at least poor and un-grammatic English which made me think that "Corel" was perhaps based in a non English speaking part of the world but no, Canadian/US.

Any ideas as to how I might revert to earlier Software would be appreciated as would recommendations for alternative BD burning Software for Mac.

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Old September 4th, 2012, 05:11 AM   #2
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Re: Toast Titanium Disastrous Software Update Fails

Delete the file "com.roxio.Toast.plist in your library folder then re-install.
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Old September 14th, 2012, 03:45 PM   #3
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Re: Toast Titanium Disastrous Software Update Fails

Toast 11 is Toast.

I've been working for several weeks trying to get Toast 11 to work.

First it was Registration problems. Corel and Roxio want to load the computer with various "cookies" - but why so many??? The support guy I talked to said they are temporary. Huh? Some of the cookies expire in 1017. Is that temporary? Some NEVER expire, is that temporary?

Their EULA allows Corel to share your information with others and in the EULA contract Corel is held harmless if there is a problem. With so many problems with ID theft, combined with "marketing" data that companies like Corel and the others they give or sell the data to, why do they need to do this? Don't they make enough money when we buy their application?

Okay, the Second problem.
I was ready to burn my first Blu-ray disk and learned there is an update. No problem, I went to update it and turns out it's a 300+ MB file. Not some few lines of code here and there, but what appears to be a whole new Toast application. Okay, others do this too, including my operating system updates.

The problem came when I wanted to "Install" the new file. *Stuff* happened. Support from Corel was a cat-and-mouse exercise. After two "Support Cases" came and went I finally called the outfit I purchased it from and they gave me a number to call Roxio support (note: lower case "support"). For anyone who would like the number it is (877) 793-7471 in the USA.

Anyway, after spending all morning and part of the afternoon on this the Toast application still doesn't function.

Roxio support upped my case to "Level II" and I followed their email instructions:
1. Go to the Apple menu and select About this Mac.
2. Click the More info... button in the About window.
3. The System Profiler will open. Go to the File menu and select Save As...

However..... MORE problems!

Their instructions don't fit what happens:
1. The System Profiler did not open.
2. The "File/Save" option is not active, i.e., it's greyed out.

On the plus side, I was able to finally open Toast 11 from "Applications".
On the down side, it wouldn't "Close". Instead, there was a "Not Responding" message for Toast 11.
Had to do a "Force Quit". Not good.

The saga continues.......
Attached Thumbnails
Toast Titanium Disastrous Software Update Fails-screen-shot-2012-09-14-1.25.45-pm.png  

Last edited by John Nantz; September 14th, 2012 at 03:47 PM. Reason: added: Had to do a "Force Quit". Not good.
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Old September 14th, 2012, 04:26 PM   #4
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Re: Toast Titanium Disastrous Software Update Fails

Toast 11 Update

After working with Roxio support we were able to f-i-n-a-l-l-y get Toast to work.

It did take going through the registration process again and at the end selecting "register later".

It also required, like Dave said, moving "com.roxio.Toast.plist" to the trash. I had done this at least a couple times earlier today so I don't know why it showed up there again (in the Library folder) but it did. Maybe because this was from the Toast update, I don't know.

By the way, to get to the Library folder one has to select (I think, but check on this) [Alt] "Go" in the toolbar and then the "Library" folder is visible.

Now all I have to do is buy the Blu-ray plug-in and install that.
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Old September 15th, 2012, 12:02 AM   #5
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Re: Toast Titanium Disastrous Software Update Fails

I did what Dave Farrants suggested above and it works. I did simultaneously receive a response from "Roxio/Corel" suggesting a much more complicated workaround, and saying they were working on a new software update.
I'll be holding fire in future before I try anything "new" until it is a bit "mature". Burned a Blu Ray okay via FCP X by the way so Toast is maybe a backup burner and frontline file converter.

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Old September 15th, 2012, 11:40 AM   #6
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Re: Toast Titanium Disastrous Software Update Fails

When I talked to the tech support guy yesterday he had me "Quit Toast" by clicking on the red button in the upper left corner of the open window instead of going through the Toolbar at the top of the screen and the drop-down Quit Toast option. The former route worked to exit but the latter route didn't and it would just go into pinwheel.

The support guy also said to "wait a few days" and make sure my re-install works before downloading the new update because "they're working on it." Obviously they have problems.

Attached is a screen shot of the error message I got when I tried to follow the step-by-step procedure that support sent me and clicked on one of their steps that asks the user to check their system requirements.

Ronald: How did you get FCPX to burn a Blu-ray? I thought it couldn't do that and that's the whole reason I bought Toast. Well, and one other, to get a menu capability.
Attached Thumbnails
Toast Titanium Disastrous Software Update Fails-screen-shot-2012-09-14-11.17.51-am.png  

Last edited by John Nantz; September 15th, 2012 at 06:17 PM. Reason: add a picture
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Old September 16th, 2012, 12:52 AM   #7
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Re: Toast Titanium Disastrous Software Update Fails

Connected my BD Burner (LG BE12LU30) with a blank disc inside; clicked "share" in FCPX and then share or export to Blu Ray, not sure of exact phraseology. Then off it went. I got a prompt re the disc being erased before burning (it was a BD-RE) followed by a long long long wait. Took hours, mind you, 90 minutes of 4:2:2 Pro-Res to burn, with the processing being by far the lengthiest part. Good quality outcome, no idea of what settings FCP X used. Didn't spot any facility for menus but then I wasn't really looking.


Last edited by Ronald Jackson; September 16th, 2012 at 12:53 AM. Reason: terminology
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Old September 18th, 2012, 02:48 PM   #8
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Re: Toast Titanium Disastrous Software Update Fails

Ronald - thanks for the feedback. I've seen the Burn Blu-ray (or words to that effect) in the menu but never tried it because at the time I didn't have a Blu-ray burner. But I bought the burner and Toast at the same time so I haven't given it a try but I will.

There probably will be some videos where I won't need a menu so it will be interesting to find out how the workflow speed compares. Unfortunately, as you mentioned, rendering time is huge so unless I have a pretty short one I probably won't be doing any comparison tests.

With regard to "Corel", I hope I never have to buy any of their software in the future because their "support" leaves a lot to be desired. I have numerous "support" emails from them for my cases but never received any support. All I get are emails to reply to the case number and eventually the case is closed because they never reply. It's like communicating with a black hole.

Don't have any suggestions for how to revert to earlier Software or for alternative BD burning Software for Mac. Hopefully someone else reading this might have some ideas.
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