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Old February 21st, 2013, 01:12 PM   #16
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Re: What SSDs are people using?

OCZ 512GB - no issues.
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Old February 21st, 2013, 10:13 PM   #17
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Re: What SSDs are people using?

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
It's good to have that kind of service but did you manage to retrieve any data that was on the discs?
I back my SSDs up IMMEDIATELY so there was no loss of media but my blood pressure goes up every time I think of lost media.

I often run TWO HyperDecks now on mission critical stuff...
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
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Old February 26th, 2013, 03:00 PM   #18
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Re: What SSDs are people using?

Y'all know that Blackmagic Design have a page on their website saying which SSDs they've tested and approved for use with the Hyperdeck Shuttle, don't you?

Blackmagic Design: FAQ's
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Old February 26th, 2013, 03:21 PM   #19
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Re: What SSDs are people using?

And mine are listed.

You should try reading the BMD Forum to see all of the issues folks are having with dropped frames and other issues...
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
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Old April 30th, 2013, 10:10 AM   #20
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Re: What SSDs are people using?

It's a darn shame that all SSDs don't work in the shuttle. You'll love this.. I bought a 256GB M4, and a 256GB Samsung 830. I put the M4 in my computer, installed Windows 8 Pro, all my editing software, etc... hours of work. Formatted the 830 for the Shuttle 2. Did not work. exFat, HFS+, etc.. it would NOT accept it. I've no idea why.. the 830 is faster than the m4. So I of course saw the M4 listed.. so I REDID my entire computer setup with the 830, formatted the M4.. freaking worked! Man, unreal that a newer/faster SSD did not work.

I almost bought the 840.. thank God I read that the 840 Pro is the updated 830, the 840 is not a good drive, only the Pro.

From what I've read the latest Intel and Sandisk Extremes are good as well. I just don't understand why EVERY SSD wouldnt work. It makes no sense.

Here's something some of you may not know. SSD drives that you pull out of your Shuttle and slide into a nice fast USB 3 dock.. fail very quickly. The reason? TRIM can't be issued over USB. Only SATA. So, your only option to keep on reusing them is to use a SATA interface. I have 2 USB 3 docks that I love for all my OEM drives and SSDs. However, after reading this, I did some research.

The trick is.. you need to use an ESATA dock plugged in to your ESATA port on your computer, if you have one. If you don't you can buy an add-in card fairly cheap. So, I kept on digging.. found a pretty slick e-sata dock, for 30 bucks, but it was only 3gbps. Shoot.. the USB 3 is theoretically 4.8Gbps. I know that SATA 3 is 6gbps, so I was looking around and the only dock I could find that did 6gbps (which requires that your e-sata port also handle 6gbps) was one by RocketStor. It was not cheap, $120. But here's the kicker. IT's hot swap, it has 2 bays each with their own 6gbps port, so if you have 2 e-sata ports, you can plug in 2 SATA 2/3 drives and they both show up. Luckily my Asus board has 2 6gbps e-sata ports so I was really in business. What's more impressive is with the right setup, you can actually do RAID 0/1 with this dock at full speed. So I did a test, and sure enough my SSD ran slightly faster in the dock than it did plugged in to my main SATA internally. Crazy right! So now, you can edit directly from the dock and if you want to spend $100+ on the add-in e-sata RAID card, you can do full RAID with SSDs in the dock, complete with hot-swap. Crazy!!
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Old April 30th, 2013, 10:21 AM   #21
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Re: What SSDs are people using?

Interesting stuff, Kevin, especially this about TRIM. I did not know that.

What's the exact model of this RocketStor device you have? Do you have a link to manufacturer's website?


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Old April 30th, 2013, 12:30 PM   #22
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Re: What SSDs are people using?

This is the one I bought. I don't have the links to the info I read about TRIM because that was in my browser history on my computer before I updated to the SSD boot and this device. :) But you can do a little googling on how the SSD's stopped working/got slow on Shuttle 2 after a few uses (or on the BM Cinema Camera) and why that happened.

Here is the one I bought. I just bought this a month ago, I wouldn't be surprised if other manufacturers will bring out 6gbps e-sata docks sooner or later.

Amazon.com: HighPoint Dual Dedicated 6Gb/s eSATA Storage Dock (RocketStor 5322): Computers & Accessories

Another thing, I don't know when, but I believe SATA 4 is going to be 12gbps or faster, and is due out soon. Not soon enough for me to wait though, I'd suspect at least another year or longer before we start seeing Sata 4 drives and motherboard support for it.
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Old April 30th, 2013, 12:33 PM   #23
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Re: What SSDs are people using?

Incidentally, apparently over the SATA bus, when you delete files on SSD the TRIM (at least in Windows 8, not sure about 7) command is issued to the SSD by the OS. I am not sure about OSX and/or Linux. There are some SSD drives that have built in TRIM now. It's odd that SSD drives themselves would need it, seems since this is an issue that every OS would have had an update now to ensure that they issue it. What's more.. odd to me that USB 2/3 can't issue the command. I forget the reasoning why that is, but from the few posts I read about it, it's an issue not many people realize and often think their drive is dying/dead while it's merely that it's not been TRIM'ed and many site that after learning about it, are able to TRIM their drive and it works again. I think even formatting it again in a USB dock won't fix the issue, but not for sure on that.
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Old January 21st, 2014, 02:34 PM   #24
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Re: What SSDs are people using?

Hi, I have not been on this site for a long time. To chum in here I am also using the Sandusky 480GB version. I use it in the Hyperdrive UDMA2 unit. So far works great. I bought the SSD because of the Sandisk Name and this SSD was about half the price of any other SSD out there. It still cost me 3 to 4 time the amount of a standard HDD. I do find the SSD to be much quieter and no vibration do to no moving parts. The drive still gets hot, thought. I expected a lot less heat since this is my first experience with SSDs.

John Gerard

Originally Posted by James Huenergardt View Post
I'm using the 480GB SanDisk Extreme SDSSDX-480G-G25

So far it's working great. I ordered a second one for a backup on a green screen shoot I'm doing this weekend.
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