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Old July 28th, 2014, 02:31 AM   #1
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Edit Raw Natively in Premiere

Ive been reading the posts on DVinfo every day for a long long time but for some reason I never joined the conversation. Thought I would change that.

To start it of I can share my experience with editing Raw natively in Premiere. Ever since Adobe made it possible I thought it wasnt verry usable based on reviews.
But as always I should have knowned better and tried it for myself.
I did a quick try in CS5 via Dynamic Link from AE but lets just say my computer (mac mini) wanted to kill itself due to the work load.
This weekend I upgraded my old CS5 to CC and therefor was able to test it out.
I freaking loved it.

I have never been able to use Resolve because my graphic card isnt suported, its not that its slow, it simply wont launch.
My workflow for raw has therefor been to use Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw in After effects and then transcode to Prores. It has been time consuming but effective.

Also it havent mattered so much to me since I shoot mainly Prores. On the pocket cam Raw doesnt make that much sence at all imo unless its a really demanding situation.
On the BMCC its a different story due to the higher resolution and I would have absolutly loved to have 2.5K prores, so much that I concidered buying the BMPC just for the 4K prores.
What stopped me was simply the cost. The BMPC is $3000 and I payed rougly $1000 for the BMCC.
What editing Raw in Premiere has done is basically solved that "issue" for me. I can now with the newest firmware shoot alot of 2.5K Raw to one SSD and then just import it to Premiere, the sound is synced automatically and edit away. I can set the raw exposure and then grade in my normal fashion using the tools in premiere or plugins.
If there is a certain clip where I feel that I need the tools in ACR to get the look I want I just open that in AE and convert to prores the old fashioned way.
So far the only thing I havent solved and maybe I wont be able either is when I dynamic link one of the clips to AE, it then just uses the first frame. I guess I could in AE replace it with the sequense but I will do some experimenting this week.

Any way here is some footage that I used for my first test. The grade isnt exactly what I was going for but its close enough for me to know that this might be a workable and time effective workflow for my raw.


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Old July 28th, 2014, 07:51 PM   #2
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Re: Edit Raw Natively in Premiere

Good to hear that the CC raw workflow actually works well natively within Premiere! Stuck in CS6 land, it's a bit unfortunate not having that ease of access... Although, Resolve is fantastic if you have the time to use it in your workflow!

- Side Note -
Loved the work on your Pocket Cinema series - the Minolta 50mm is my go-to lens on my BMCC for the moment! Speaking of, thought you had sold your 2.5k Cam?
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Old July 28th, 2014, 11:08 PM   #3
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Re: Edit Raw Natively in Premiere

CS6 is nice, I use it at work still and yes I would love to use resolve and I will as soon as Im due for a computer update.
Glad you like the series. Im thinking about getting a MD speedbooster for my Minolta lenses.
Yes I did sell it and got my money back for it. I thought it was a bit expensive since I was always grabbing for the pocket cam and it was left on the shelve.
But now I got it for $1000 so it made more sense, and if I can use the 2.5k with the same ease as the prores and get good audio with the new firmware it makes alot of sense Imo.
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Old July 29th, 2014, 12:30 AM   #4
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Re: Edit Raw Natively in Premiere

I'd be curious to know how you snagged a BMCC for $1000! As for the Minolta MFT Speedbooster... Mmm, that's going to be some scary potential!
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Old July 29th, 2014, 01:53 AM   #5
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Re: Edit Raw Natively in Premiere

The BMCCs are really tuff sales on the used market here in Sweden and specally now when the BMPCC is on sale.
At the time there was 5 avaliable and the guy had a pretty low asking price. But he had lost the Resolve dongle and box so I got him to go down a bit more.
When I showed up he had found the dongle and included it in the price. As I cant run Resolve right now I sold it and a $1000 was what I had spent in total

The Camera had been used one time. The guy knew nothing about it and didnt even own any lenses. He was a singer that wanted to do a Music video last year. The guy hired to do it wanted to rent a BMCC. The singer was in the States at the time where its much cheaper and thought renting was to expensive so he bought it.
They made the video and then he had it in his closet untill I showed up. Its totally mint :)
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Old July 29th, 2014, 03:23 PM   #6
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Re: Edit Raw Natively in Premiere

Made a tutorial, its aimed a bit towards beginners so take it for what it is.

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