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EF & MFT lens mount / 2.5K CinemaDNG RAW

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Old August 12th, 2013, 01:27 AM   #16
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Re: Is Black Magic Giving Up on Fixing the BMC Audio Issues

Perhaps you have to use a disclaimer "No part of this movie resembles any known saint ....

Originally Posted by Alex Anderson View Post
Sounds like a new movie I should make. Small company, Juicedlink, buys out an engineer over talk at a sleazy bar in Australia. They agree to a fixed amount of money in return for ruining the audio in the BMCC's with firmware updates. That way Juicedlink can sell more of their products to workaround any problems the customers might have. That pisses off customers who don't want to buy more gear. They unite and during the close of the day in darkness with torches in their hands, they prepare to attack BM HQ's. Grant slowly crawls out from underneath his desk after his secretary pleads with him to please go outside and speak to the angry mob. Make them stop all the violence and threats. He cries out, "I can't. I am afraid. I can't fix their audio." She yells at him, "afraid? You don't know afraid until I tell your wife about all the sex we have had behind her back for the last four years." He thinks long and hard. Finally he agrees if she promises to never tells his wife or threatens him again."

A few minutes later, the big 20 foot doors at the front of BM HQ's slowly creek open and Grant walks out slowly with his head down. The mob comes to dead silence as one of them yells out, "It's him. He's come out." Slowly, he speaks with a trembling voice, "I have come here as your friend, not your enemy".

I guess BMC has got more challenges in execution so audio is not their priority. There are workarounds like juicedLink. However, as a prospective customer I have to first see that moire is not there as well as the Pro Res footage is sharp. I have a juicedLink DT 454 from my DSLR days. Those kinds of things can be easily used in BMC.
Wild Tiger Productions
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Old August 12th, 2013, 10:03 AM   #17
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Re: Is Black Magic Giving Up on Fixing the BMC Audio Issues

Originally Posted by Warren Kawamoto View Post
If these cameras worked to everyone's expectations, wouldn't it would cost many times more than what you paid for?
Just asking that they work as was advertised by Black Magic. I don't think there is anyone out there who says it does-- even the biggest supporters.

I am actually pleased with what the camera is doing right now in terms of imaging. Its just been shorted on the sound side. You can't get a peep out of Black Magic Management about how it is going to be addressed. Because of that, the fear is that they are going to do nothing. They need to open the lines of communication.
Chris J. Barcellos
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