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Old May 5th, 2007, 03:26 PM   #1
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Spiderman 3

Saw the movie last night and thought it was a great movie, but slightly different from the other two: there was more emphasis on emotional connections and consequences, but the action sequences were straight out phenominal!!

Don't want to give any spoilers so I'll wait a bit so more people can see and comment before I say all I want to.

Great movie. Going to see it again tmrw!

Webs away!

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Old May 5th, 2007, 09:31 PM   #2
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Yeah, I agree, I thought the Harry/Peter storyline was the best part. It just seemed to develop greatly, although other parts weren't so amazing.

I did really like the movie overall though, despite being on the outside of my group and having a few geeky kids on the right complaining throughout how the movie was such a copout, and how the bad guys would never do the things they were doing in the movie... sigh/ANGER! But yeah, great movie.
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Old May 6th, 2007, 09:38 PM   #3
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I didn't like it at all. Was hoping for something great as I loved the first two. But this one was full of cheese, waay too much crying/emotional scenes that just became overbearing... to the point that it brewed laughter in the audience.

I loved the signature Raimi moments with "emo" Peter, and the comedy he was able to put in (the intended comedy, not the ones that weren't meant to be funny).

Disappointing to say the least. But each to their own :)
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Old May 6th, 2007, 10:40 PM   #4
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I will agree the emotional thermometer was high and there was perhaps a bit too much crying...but, I guess it all depends on what your expectations are of the movie.

Tobey was great...as usual. He is Peter/Spidey.

Kirsten...she improved...but, I'm still not a huge fan of her MJ.

James was solid.

There are some plot points and bits of the story that were weaker...but it is tremendously hard to stay focussed on four story arcs!!!

Studio Execs need to learn when to stay out of the creative process and not force ideas or material on the Director, especially one as good as Sam Raimi.

Hopefully they will learn.

More to discuss once more people weigh in,

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Old May 6th, 2007, 11:43 PM   #5
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How many stars does this movie get? I go by stars nowadays along with mainstream reviews.
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Old May 7th, 2007, 07:30 AM   #6
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My overall impression was that they started with one excellent story line, with a SUPERB theme, and then shoe-horned in 'more'. While the theme was relevant to all four plot lines, it was simply to much for the format. The pacing suffered for it.

I felt the CG work was the best of the three movies, less 'intrusive' and more believable.
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Old May 7th, 2007, 11:16 AM   #7
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Stars? Hmm...on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate it an 8.

The CGI was definitely the best of all 3...but, I would expect that with technology having advanced since the first movie.

I also think the movie would have been better with less, but the execs wanted to have their way: Raimi had said he had only envisioned Harry and Sandman in this movie and I can see that; Venom was put in there by the execs.

The film starts every well, but it does become looser by the end of the 2nd act.

I still think it was a great movie though and you get all you can want from a Summer Blockbuster, and then some.

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Old May 7th, 2007, 11:26 AM   #8
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Nice, I'll wait to rent.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old May 7th, 2007, 05:29 PM   #9
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The action scenes were well done...but lacked some of the intensity of those seen in the first two films.

The acting was sort of awful, with the exception of J.k Simmons(Jonnah Jameson) and Topher Grace put a nice twist on the traditional character of Eddie Brock seen in comics/cartoons.

The CGI on Venom was probably the highlight of the film, as well as some of the sand on Sandman.

I wish I could say I loved it, but the truth is that I'll only buy it on DVD to say that "I have all of them" as opposed to buying it because I truely enjoyed it.

...I was sort of shocked to hear how the audience responded to certain scenes(in regards to the "crying/funny/not supposed to be funny" parts).

Lastly, I think Sam Raimi is a perfectly capable director but if the series carries on, I'd like to see someone else take a stab at it.. and maybe see Jake Gyllenhaal take a stab at Peter...just my opinion. feel free to debate with me. haha
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Old May 7th, 2007, 07:59 PM   #10
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I thought the CG was excellent but had a hard time with spidy hitting his girlfriend. After that scene, the movie lost me because I kept thinking I was glad that I had not brought my daughter. I know it sounds corny and I know there's a long line of wife-abusing heros from Hercules to Gandhi, but I don't want her young mind thinking that if you're dating someone who hits you, it'll still work out in the end.
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Old May 9th, 2007, 10:10 AM   #11
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definitely a disappointment. They should have taken Goblin 2 and Venom out, and had it be Sandman and Black Suit Spidey. End it with the birth of Goblin 2 and Venom as setup for part 4. I think the movie needs a redo. Do Over!!
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Old May 10th, 2007, 09:22 PM   #12
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definitely a long movie and with too many things happening at the same time. there are 3 different villains in this movie which made it exciting, but so much things happening at once. cinematography was okay, it wasn't anything special. overall, it was good but wasn't the best of stan lee.
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Old February 16th, 2008, 09:17 PM   #13
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I'm not a movie goer... got the DVD as a Christmas present at work.

Kind of knew what to expect... every time they do a second, third... the story line gets shallower, while the graphics get better.

Is it just me getting old, or movies are lacking more and more a good story? It seems to me that some big budget Hoolywood productions are nothing more than the showoff of some new CG software!
Ervin Farkas
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Old February 17th, 2008, 01:01 AM   #14
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I was such a big Spidey comics fan that this is one superhero movie series I just cant stand watching more than once. I saw one and two and disliked them both. They just werent Spider-man to me. The 60s and 70s comics had a much different vibe and I bailed out on them not long after he got married.

I dont know when I will get around to seeing this.

Maybe for the computer graphics....
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Old February 17th, 2008, 11:17 AM   #15
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Finally saw this on DVD a while back and wasn't going to comment on an old thread but since someone else revived it:

Over all, a weak movie. Had some good moments to it. Would have liked to see a "deeper" or longer Sandman storyline (I'm a fan of Thomas Hayden Chruch) and agreed that three villians is at least one too many

Some of the movie was awful. the whole jazz club scene was hilariously bad. And isn't this basically lifted from the original Nutty Professor? Peter Parker becomes Buddy Love. The whole scene was so bad I was temted to fast forward thru it (that's why I don't go to movie theatres, I don't like being trapped in a bad scene)

I agree that a lot of "blockbuster" movies become over focused on the SFX/CGI. But that trend has been going on for a long time

If this series is to continue, someone has to do a re think. I love sam rami but maybe the suggestion of a new director is a good idea. And definitely a new Spiderman. One who can dance better
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