"the hunter" - a movie well worth a look. at DVinfo.net
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Old October 22nd, 2011, 12:02 AM   #1
Inner Circle
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 4,477
"the hunter" - a movie well worth a look.

"The Hunter" with Willem Dafoe and Sam Neill was filmed in the Tasmanian wilderness and is worth a look when it comes your way.

The helicopter vision shoot was flown by the late Gary Ticehurst, legendary media helicopter pilot of long experience, recently lost in a crash on Lake Eyre along with veteran ABC-TV journalist Paul Lockyer and camerman John Bean.

Here is the trailer :-

The Hunter (2011) - Official Trailer HD - YouTube
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Old November 19th, 2011, 10:14 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: "the hunter" - a movie well worth a look.

Enjoyed it Bob, BOB Dafoe is one of my favourite actors :) Beautiful scenes of the Tasmanaian wilderness, they used a great Kodak film stock in spite of the processing costs and current digital trends.

A couple of things worried me. Early in the piece, the heroine is ill in bed, Dafoe goes up country for 2 weeks, comes back and she's still in bed without more explanation? Nothing said .. then she's up and getting around?

Unusual focus pulls on some scenic shots, made me wonder if they actually shot enough footage, or lost some along the way?

Here's the Tasmanian Devil 1933 footage they used, that's a fascinating story in itself eh?

Tasmanian Tiger (ULTRA RARE OLD FOOTAGE - no animal sound) - YouTube

The Hunter is enjoyable, 7/10 for me.

Great chopper work by Gary T., yes terribly sad, it's probably his last movie footage.
Drink more tap water. On admission at Sydney hospitals more than 5% of day patients are de-hydrated.
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Old November 19th, 2011, 11:01 PM   #3
Inner Circle
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 4,477
Re: "the hunter" - a movie well worth a look.

The heroine's recovery. Yes that was a bit of a story jump but I vaguely recall something he did about the medications.

On some of the shots. I did wonder but I don't criticise as I am not in the same league craftwise. It might have been a big baby on a small budget and they might have had to run with what they were able to get given the environment they were shooting in, rain, long on-foot carries of equipment etc..

The boy somehow surviving the fire and the end scene at the school, - it seemed a bit like taking a bet each way to me so the US audience is not pissed off but it works quite fine regardless.

I was confronted by the same dilemma, so wrote two endings to a feature project which is still sitting on the hard drive, downer ending for europeans and the happy-ever-after conclusion for the US popular market. At Zoetrope.com, other writers who reviewed the SP favoured the downer ending.

If you have a quiet moment and a computer handy, take a look at this little gem by local film-maker Maziar ( Marz) Lahooti titled "Good Pretender". The little actor does agreat job of taking off Big Arnie's austrian accent.

Last edited by Bob Hart; November 19th, 2011 at 11:15 PM. Reason: added text
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