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Old January 22nd, 2011, 06:00 PM   #1
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Sharktopus vs. Megaroid

I love me some science fiction... but are you as tired as I am of Mega Shark, Mega Pirahna, Mega whatever vs. some other mega radioactive critter? What about movies about category 5/6/7/8/?? storms in belief or non-belief of global wraming? I'm not trying to be political, but am against these QUOTE "SCI_FI" UNQUOTE movies... Can't SyFy just bring back good ol' Galactica???

OK, I'll go back to my Woodford Reserve...
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Old January 26th, 2011, 11:21 PM   #2
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I never saw Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus but I have no doubt it was awesome. Maybe when I've finished cleaning my cuticles I'll make it over to Red Box.
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Old January 27th, 2011, 06:02 PM   #3
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write to the Asylum production team and kindly ask them to stop making mega crap vs giant bog roll movies!

Actor: "where would that light be coming from?"
DP: "same place as the music" -Andrew Lesnie-
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Old May 27th, 2011, 02:48 PM   #4
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Re: Sharktopus vs. Megaroid

Bah, leave them alone lol. They make schlock, they know it. we know it. Everybody knows it.

I'll admit i dont really admire their movies per se, but they are making movies that are making them money. LOTS of them.

Funny thing is, the only things that are really lacking in the asylums films are quality of acting, and quality of writing, both of which could be improved without raising the budgets. for what they are the production valeus are fine but MAN that is some weak writing.
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Old May 28th, 2011, 12:37 AM   #5
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Re: Sharktopus vs. Megaroid

and bad SFX... but anyway since it looks like that's the SyFy fare for the weekend, time to tune out... one can only take so many wacky oversize bloodthirst critters... and bad plots... and bad acting... and really bad SFX...
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Old May 29th, 2011, 07:57 AM   #6
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Re: Sharktopus vs. Megaroid

You guys are jealous. If I could get the budget to make one of those Mega vs Gigantor movies I would jump at the chance and have a great time doing it. LOL

Last edited by Ron Little; May 29th, 2011 at 11:18 AM.
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Old May 29th, 2011, 09:19 AM   #7
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Re: Sharktopus vs. Megaroid

You're right Ron i would, for all their faults i have to admit it would be fun and they seem to have an endless supply of good lookin' women in the cast.

Actor: "where would that light be coming from?"
DP: "same place as the music" -Andrew Lesnie-
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Old May 29th, 2011, 02:27 PM   #8
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Re: Sharktopus vs. Megaroid

I posted the link to this thread to a very good friend of mine who is a storyboard artist for many of the SyFy productions being discussed here.

He asked if I would be willing to post his response on his behalf.

"Hi! I just read your comment on the DVInfo group talking about how SyFy channel (not Sci-Fi anymore ! ) should stop making crap movies with "Mega" in the title, as a guy who actually works on these films, take it from me, I wished they would too! Well, a part of me does, the other part of me doesn't want these terrible low budget films to go away, simply because they are my extra bread and butter for the dinner table! Now I haven't worked on anything with Roger Corman (who created Sharktopus) or with The Asylum (who did Mega Piranha) but I have storyboarded Mega Cyclone (in post production now), Sea Beast and Stonehenge Apocalypse (see a list of the films I work on here Bulent Hasan - IMDb ).

Now the real reason why all these films get made is simple; we are pumping out "product". We know it would always be better if we worked on a script a bit longer, or if we got better actors, but if you actually knew the fast paced frequency on how we pump these things out because SyFy wants 2 hours filled on a saturday night between 8-10pm, you'd be surprised, shocked, nay, appalled, or even amazed!
My personal record for finishing work on a show's storyboard's currently is 6 days, and it usually takes me three times longer, and I work solo (no assistants here).

Now you have to ask yourself, why are you even watching these things? Simple! Because they're mindless stupid fun!

Do I wish that the industry would ask us to make better films? Absolutely! Are we going to start making them better by spending more time on the script? Nope! Problem is, this isn't just a "SYFY" channel problem, this problem is systemic throughout all of the film industry (watch Pirates 4 and you'll see how much suck got CGI into the film), so basically all films are, in fact, 'stupid'. How can that be you ask? Well, simple, try explaining the plot of Inception to your elderly parent or aunt/uncle, especially the scene that has the fan falling backwards and Joseph Gordon Levitt is fighting in Zero Gravity. Go on....ya thats right, you lost them right? Yep, its a stupid movie! BUT, with time and money and focus, its brilliant! Inception is the exception to the rule!

I can't make enough suggestions to my bosses to make our films better, I am throwing ideas out left right and centre but the bottom line is this; everything is presold! The numbers of the viewers on saturday nights turning on Syfy channel are very high week after week, and that has kept me, and my bosses, busy like crazy. It takes as much blood sweat and tears to make one of our movies as it does Inception, just highly compressed with a 15 day shooting schedule! (which is probably half the Zero G's fight scene schedule).

So take it from a guy who works on MegaCyClone/Ice Twisters/Goblin & Behemoth, not all of the shows I work on, that I enjoy working on so much, turn out the way we expect them to, and some of them exceed the budget/schedule like crazy! We work hard to make every movie the best we could possibly make them.

And don't worry, Battlestar Galactica:Blood and Chrome, will be airing later on in the year on SyFy and I personally can't wait.

-Bulent Hasan, Storyboard artist."
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old May 29th, 2011, 03:41 PM   #9
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Re: Sharktopus vs. Megaroid

Thanks Shaun for posting that! Tell your buddy to keep on pumping 'em out!

As one who enjoys a little "mindless stupid fun", I am glad they make these, even if they are pretty "monsterously bad" - that's half the fun of these sorts of movies! I'll admit that some of the movies I regard as "classic" are regarded as truly awful by just about everyone I know! There's BAD Sci-Fi, and GOOD bad Sci-Fi as I explain it, and sometimes the worse it is the better it is to watch!

And yep, some of them make me think "I could do THAT"! Problem is I'd probably want to work with Betty White (Lake Placid)... priceless!
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Old May 30th, 2011, 07:26 AM   #10
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Re: Sharktopus vs. Megaroid

My life is full of real drama, and tragedy, when I watch a movie I want something about as far from reality as it can get.

I am finishing up a feature right now that is about a young girl that has to deal with being raped. I am sure the audience that it is aimed at will love it.

I would have loved, to have spent the last year working on something like Monster instead. Oh well maybe next time.

Keep going SyFy I will be in the audience watching.
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