The Civilization of Maxwell Bright
Just saw a great little indie film at the Florida Film Festival tonight - The Civilization of Maxwell Bright, starring everyone's favorite Superman, Patrick Warburton. You may remember him as Seinfeld's Puddy.
He was actually at the screening (!) and boy was he a genuinely nice guy. And his performance in this film was just wonderful - I didn't know he had it in him. It's a dark comedy, and it definitely avoids cliche after cliche and serves up a wonderfully original story that is both hysterical and moving altogether. No easy feat.
It was a DV shot feature, and converted by DVFilm as indicated in the credits. It really was a good conversion - seemed like any other 16mm film. While Patrick didn't know the exact camera used, from his description, I believe it was a Pal DVX.
If it comes to your town, watch it, it's great!