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Awake In The Dark
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Old June 18th, 2004, 07:04 PM   #91
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You guys are killing and Larry and I have exacting thoughts. Hmmmm...

I loved Jaws, Jaws 2 was underated, Jaws 3 was siily good in a 3D ridiculous kind of way but.....................................................

JAWS 4 was sooooooo baaaaaaaaaadddddddd. I thought I would die watching it. Horrible. I can deal with 3 being a 3D gimmick and it had QUAID, THOMPSON, GOSSETT JR and that flash in the pan blonde who is actually a good actress; so it worked for me. I can still watch it and think "Sigh, guilty pleasure shark movie"

But Part 4 was like "Huh? What the heck is this? And Caine was in it! HE is so cool and he did JAWS 4!" Now the shark is hunting the mom down? what?

John Carpenters THE THING is so epic it deserves a remake right this second; on one condition...

John Carpenter doesnt get to do it and KURT RUSSELS character is dead. BRing in the rescue team, they haul the bodies off and fly them to be shipped back to America and on the way over... Well you get it now. But Im not talking about re-hasing the same plot. I want the virus to spread while off the boat in New York and the end of the movie basically shows some kind of THING apocalypse just like the good doctor predicted in the first one.

Oh jeez, Ill write and direct it, Fine.

STAR WARS (New ones)

Baaaad. Uckkkky. Crap. Those Ewoks in JEDI are not enough to cusion this blow. Could I be ever more let down than this? And they are still bad. The THIRD one will be as bad as the first two.


Now 2 wasnt as baaaaaaaaad as it seems. It does have ZOD and thats kind of cool (Bow down before ZOD!). Lex was back and perfect as always is Hackman. But 3? Richard Pryor? What?

First Blood was a great film; I still love it. RAMBO 2 and 3? Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddd!

Rocky 3 4 5 and.........................

All of these were bad. YEs. Even the one with Mr. T and the one with the Russian.

How about GREASE 2? OMG that was horrible!
Stayin Alive anyone? Agggghhhhhh!
Back to the future 2 and 3 were horrible.
Beverly Hills Cop 3 sucked!
Another 48 hours? Big mistake.
Poltergeist 2 and 3
UNder Seige 2
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Old June 18th, 2004, 07:09 PM   #92
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I have to add Riddick.

Pitch Black. Tight, low budget, small cast, very focused. Good for what it was.

Riddick. Bloated, took place on too many planets, left lots of things hanging, incoherent editing.
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Old June 19th, 2004, 06:12 PM   #93
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Pitch Black was a great surprise. Not perfect but one of the better Scifi's to come out in recent memory.
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Old June 20th, 2004, 10:23 AM   #94
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I don't know.... I think the most underratted scifi movie is probably "The Rock." I mean, Nicholas Cage as a biochemist? Come on, THAT is science fiction.


In fact, it was so unbelievable, next time you watch the movie pay attention to how many times Cage makes reference to the fact that he's "just a biochemist." It's as if they realized no one would be able to believe it, and they have to constantly remind the audience.

Okay, totally off topic I know...just couldn't help but throw a jab at that movie in this thread.

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Old June 20th, 2004, 01:17 PM   #95
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While were doggin films...

I saw PAYCHECK last night and it completely sucked. John Woo continues to be the best made for TNT hollywood director. Horrible film.
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Old June 20th, 2004, 01:59 PM   #96
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

I have a deep and abiding love for the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Something about a group of people in the wrong place in the wrong time with no real backstory or exposition. Somehow they made it work - it's a wonderful example of low budget production.

The new one just missed the mark entirely. I don't what it was, but it had no majic.
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Old June 20th, 2004, 04:55 PM   #97
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Although I totally digged the remake (and watching Jessica run around in the outfit) I can see where someone might not; especially since it stems from a total classic cult film. Thats a tough one to please.
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Old June 21st, 2004, 06:06 AM   #98
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Lololol on all the bad flicks!

Ahhh, they make the good ones so much better don't they . . . .


Joshua!!!! I've heard about the "remake" of Raiders the kids did and couldn't wait to see it. I heard they did a fantastic job for what it was. Heard the built sets, slid under the truck, everything!!!!!! I was actually envious because whether or not I like it, there WAS someone more obsessed with that movie as a kid than I was (I thought I took the cake that I actually learned how to use a whip as a weapon and climing device . . . I literally could latch on to a tree and swing from branch to branch. I actally tracked down the guy who creates the stunt whips for the movies to I can later buy the exact durable stunt version . . . now that's a GEEEEEK!!!!) But the whole movie?????? My god, what an undertaking!!!! I MUST SEE THIS FILM . . .

Joshua, how do I get a hold of this???
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Old June 21st, 2004, 11:50 PM   #99
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I think they are showing it at festivals currently. It'' be available hopefully soon and hopefully GEorge will let them release it. I totally want to see this.
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Old June 22nd, 2004, 12:01 AM   #100
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I took the wife and Jeff Kramer and his better half to see this juvy Raiders remake about a year ago in Austin at the Alamo Cinema DraftHouse. We've got an entire thread on it here. Enjoy,

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Old June 22nd, 2004, 03:37 PM   #101
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Thanks for the link Chris.
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