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Old December 11th, 2007, 11:45 PM   #1
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The Omega Man remake: I Am Legend

Debating whether or not to watch the Chuck Heston version at home prior to seeing the Will Smith version in the theater...

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Old December 12th, 2007, 03:25 AM   #2
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There's another one out this year called "I am Omega" , its a much lower budget though and i wasn't impressed by it.

Im looking forward to I am Legend ,the shot of time square overgrown looks amazing.......what it is to have money behind your film.

Actor: "where would that light be coming from?"
DP: "same place as the music" -Andrew Lesnie-
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Old December 12th, 2007, 03:33 AM   #3
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I can't imagine anyone topping Charlton Heston from his classic period of sci-fi movies (Planet of the Apes, Omega Man, Soylent Green). Nobody did it like Chuck. He was "representing humanity" (whether against Apes, Mutants or The Corporation) and he had that uncanny ability as an actor to pull you right in there with him.

I think it's best to give the new movie every chance on its own merits (and Will Smith's performance) by leaving the comparisons (such as re-watching Omega Man) until after you see it.

Purely my opinion, and it's quite okay with me if you ignore it!
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Old December 12th, 2007, 05:52 AM   #4
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I have a horrible feeling I am Legend is gonna be a special effects fest with no real substance. I just don't rate Smith as an actor. Heston was sheer class.
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Old December 12th, 2007, 08:29 AM   #5
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the original will ruin you for the remake. enjoy the remake on its own terms and then go for the real thing. spookiest. movie. ever. and all done with a bit of make-up, a compelling story, and great actors.
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Old December 12th, 2007, 04:45 PM   #6
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I loved the book. Its just great with a killer ironic twist of an ending.

The Vincent Price version was close plot wise but kind of lame in the scares (the vampires were very unscary but probably inspired the Night of the Living Dead zombies ) and they messed up the ending.

When I think of the book character I tend to think of Charlton Heston so I regret that the Homega man, sorry thinking of the Simpsons, the Omega Man deviated so much from the book.
It could have been great. The right time period, the right city, but so wrong. He wasnt even the Last Man on Earth.

I have no faith in the latest version. If there was ever a case of messing up a sure thing film adaptation, its this book.

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Old December 12th, 2007, 06:16 PM   #7
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I never read the book but have always meant to, so really my only frame of reference is Omega Man which I adore; one of my fave b-movies of all time

My main concerns about this version:

Will Smith is just too tame for my tastes

And I fear it will become yet another zombie fest. Omega man had intelligant villians to fight .. gosh, I just love Anthony Zerbe. He was the only thing that made the Matrix sequels worth watchin

Well, I have the pay movie channels, so in six months or so I will check out this movie
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Old December 12th, 2007, 06:38 PM   #8
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Just put Omega man on my cue from NetFlix.... and I will wait to see I am Legend...

Since I got a projector and screen, I tend not to go out to movies anymore. At first, my wife didn't like it, but, the convenience of it has grown on us....and popcorn and soda is a bit cheaper....
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old December 12th, 2007, 07:59 PM   #9
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The nice thing about the book is that you unless you see the 1964 Price version The Last Man on Earth nothing is really spoiled for you when you read it. The Omega Man is so far from the novel as to be unrecognizable.

I havent seen I Am Omega (I just found out about it today).

The book was out of print when i read it--had to go to the library. Then in the early 90s they re-printed it.

Its a real page turner.
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Old December 13th, 2007, 11:39 AM   #10
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The Omega man remake

Personally, I much preferred the Vincent Price version (The Last man on Earth) . It was much more emotionally involving than The Omega Man. The scene when Vincent Price was watching his old family home movies had real pathos; the Charlton Heston movie was more of an action movie but was completely emotionally uninvolving in my opinion, and his character was impossible to empathise to and there was no suspense as a result.
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Old December 13th, 2007, 04:30 PM   #11
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I think I saw the Vincent Price movie but it was probably at 3 in the morn so I don't remember much so I won't try a comparison

The Chuck movie, to me, is a lark. A really entertaining lark. I referred to it earlier as a B movie; you really don't want to think too hard about it. I loved the scenes between Heston and Anthony Zerbe, two actors who just went for broke and didn't care if the scene was essentially foolish.

Not a great movie, far from it but really entertaining and when you put it with Soylent Green and the original Planet of the Apes, stands as one of an unintentional great B movie sci fi (I won't go as far to call them science fiction) trilogy
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Old December 14th, 2007, 01:40 PM   #12
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The Last Man on Earth is definitely the closest to the book. I really like that version. I loved the book, so that's probably why. But really, I don't think they'll ever make a version that is as good as the book, mainly because the book is almost all his inner thoughts and feelings. You can tell that Richard Matheson really thought a long time about how it would feel to be the last human. That sense of loneliness comes across so strongly, that you can't get it from a 2 hour movie.
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Old December 15th, 2007, 03:16 AM   #13
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One of the Best Films of the year

Incredible. Well Done, in every way. I'm not talking about special effects or action, I'm talking plot, character development, emotional engagement, substance. Cinematography, writing, directing, acting, all excellent.

I honestly have not seen the Chuck Heston version, but I doubt it could be as good as this Film was.

From the very opening to closing, a truly well done film.

See it for yourself.

P.S. in case your wondering my taste, its what dreams may come, kingdom of heaven, and gladiator as a few of my top favorites.
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Old December 16th, 2007, 02:27 PM   #14
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Yeah I dont think you can really do the novel justice in a movie form. Though it would be neat to see the end scene visualized.

Richard Matheson wrote the screenplay for the Price movie under a pseudonym.

I understand that they are releasing a new book titled I Am Legend by Richard Matheson but its been adapted by the current film screenwriters.

Buyer beware.


The Last Man on Earth is in the public domain.
You can view it online.

Last edited by Kelly Goden; December 16th, 2007 at 10:55 PM.
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Old December 17th, 2007, 01:26 AM   #15
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I am Legend. Not.

I just came from screening this movie and I do not think it hit all the right marks.

The story was very sparse, plot almost like swiss cheese. The character arcs, or development is so jarring at points, with so much forced conflict it would be referred to as Jumping Conflict in a screenwriting class and not Rising conflict - which is usually what you want.

The infected were just typical vampires, similar in look to the main one in Blade 2 without the mouth. And really what did they do? Run around? Scream? Could we have some dialogue? Even if the director, Mr Lawrence believes there is power in silence, uhm, lets get something intelligent going to work with.

There was great cinematography, and the lighting was superb. The textures, the colors, very emotive, and added greatly to the films impact.

The editing...hmmm, there were some harsh cuts, bad transitions from scene to scene, even within a couple scenes, espeically towards the end, so I have to wonder if maybe they did not shoot a lot of coverage, or 2nd Unit.

Will Smith is solid, and I think there are a couple moments when he was great, but his character was so flat...he just had a dream, flashback, where he sees his family die and he wakes up with no reaction whatsoever.

I enjoyed it but it's got a lot of flaws. It could have been great. But, it's just good.

Just my 2c,

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