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Old November 14th, 2007, 08:09 PM   #16
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I heard that young Spock and Old Spock meet--might have something to do with a time travel portal. Would be cool if it was the Guardian of Forever.


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Old January 29th, 2008, 05:00 PM   #17
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Oh boy...I just watched a trailer.

I was feeling a bit underwhelmed and then...

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Old November 22nd, 2008, 08:57 PM   #18
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They have a new trailer!
Surprised no one commented on it.

I still cant buy Pine as Kirk.

Quinto might be passable, but not the other guy.
He reminds me more of a Luke Skywalker or eager ensign out to prove himself than a natural born leader/Horatio Hornblower type.

He also said in an interview he was trying to be like Harrison Ford!

It looks to be the most expensive in terms of production values since TMP.
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Old November 22nd, 2008, 09:09 PM   #19
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I saw that trailer at the theater a few days ago, and I'm with you--it's going to be hard buying into someone else playing Kirk. There's only one, after all...
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Old November 23rd, 2008, 05:51 PM   #20
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I'm actually quite jazzed about seeing it. Since there's no getting around having different actors playing the main characters, I can look past that.

What's more important to me is staying true to the essence of what Star Trek has always been. Don't ask me to define it. There's no way. Interestingly enough, the one piece I thought lacked that essence was "Star Trek: The Motion Picture". And I stood in line for over an hour in the rain to see it the day it premiered. It wanted to be "2001" and ended up way too esoteric to be Star Trek. But it was good to see the crew again.

Since then, that essence was restored by Roddenberry and maintained by Brannon Braga and the other chap whose name I cannot recall right now. Maintained all the way down to the final episode of "Enterprise".

As I recollect, someone new is in charge. I don't follow the world of Trek anywhere close enough to have a grasp as to whether the new "sheriff" will be true, but as valuable a franchise as Star Trek is to Paramount, I cannot see them letting someone take the wheel who's going to put it in a ditch. But then again, that's Hollywood.

All this from a guy missed the original airing of "Trouble With Tribbles" because my parents and grandparents wanted to drag my brothers and me to dinner at the Disneyland Hotel. I know... it's sick that I still remember nearly 40 years on.
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Old November 26th, 2008, 02:28 AM   #21
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This movie looks increadable. There is no way I will go to see it opening night(I hate lines) but probably within a week or two of its release I will go to see it. The new trailer looks badass. That and the new terminator movie.
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Old November 27th, 2008, 01:24 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Eric Stemen View Post
This movie looks increadable. There is no way I will go to see it opening night(I hate lines) but probably within a week or two of its release I will go to see it.
If you are a Trek fan, you should consider seeing it on opening weekend -- mainly because the atmosphere will be electric. I saw Star Trek VI on opening night. In hindsight, it wasn't necessarily a great movie, but the experience was great fun because the packed house was hinging on every scene. Hardcore Trek fans REALLY get into it (and that's a gross understatement).

I am a longtime fan of Star Trek, but my interest waned in the past decade. I will give this movie a fair shot. Hopefully they won't overplay the "Kirk as a kid" angle that was shown in the trailer. The fact that the producer of LOST is driving this film offers some hope that it'll be done right.
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