Trying to track down two short films - any ideas?
Hi all,
I've been trying track down information on two short films that I saw a couple of years ago and am not having any luck. Anyone know anything?
The first is a very quiet, nicely-shot Mexican production about a poor old man who needs money so he walks his pet pig into the village to sell to the butcher. After dropping it off, he's filled with regret and goes back to get it, but is too late. Very nicely done in all.
The second is, I believe, a Chinese short film (possibly Mongolian) about a bus traveling through a very remote area that is stopped by highwaymen. They rob the people and then drag the attractive female bus driver off the bus and rape her. No one on the bus lifts a finger to help except one young man who is severely beaten for his efforts. The raped woman gets back on the bus, closing the door and refusing to let the man who helped her back on, leaving him out in the middle of nowhere. Also nicely shot and it has a surprise ending.
Thanks for any pointers. I'd like to see if I can grab these on DVD ultimately.