For what it's worth, I've been using my (now almost ancient) Sony VAIO SR17K with XDV without problems. I input and output via iLink (firewire). I've been using a 180GB Maxtor external drive. When I need to input I daisy chain either my "clamshell" portable DV player or a camera - either XL-1s or TRV900.
I started with XDV v 3 under W2K and upgraded the VAIO to XP Pro when v 3.5 came out. I'm currently using v3.5.3.
The only drawback is the small screen. The lack of speakers is no big problem since I can plug in mini headsets. But nothing beats being able to "on-line" in a 4 pount laptop.
In fact the only problems I've had has been with the BIG system - a DELL Precison 820 with 4 120 GB drives and 1 40GB - all Maxtors. When the media files are all over the place XDV has a hell of a time running. This is especially true when working with a large sequence with many pre-computes. The only way around this is to consolidate the sequence into one drive.
In general I've found XDV to run well in a variety of system not even recommended by Avid.
I hope this is of help.