Arrrrgh! xfer of MXF, OMF files at
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Old March 23rd, 2011, 10:46 PM   #1
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Arrrrgh! xfer of MXF, OMF files

Have attempted to get Avid Media Composer 5.0.1 on my Dell M6300 laptop workstation to recognize MXF files created in Avid MC 4.0.5 on comatose HP xw8200 workstation, but cant' seem to make it happen. Have followed instructions by the Avid MC book (transferring/conforming project, user, site files, etc. ad infinitum et nauseum), to no avail. There are, I think, four different sections in the user guide that one must consult, and I've gone through all of them several times. What is the secret? Am using internal drives in drive enclosures and external drives with the Dell, all but one of which have the originally captured MXF and OMF files on them. In looking at posts elsewhere, it appears that this should be a piece of cake. It is, however, anything BUT.....Can it be possible that the differences between Avid MC 4 and 5 account for the problem? Or is there some undocumented step that I'm missing?
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Old March 24th, 2011, 08:36 AM   #2
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Re: Arrrrgh! xfer of MXF, OMF files


I'm sure it is very frustrating, but I don't believe you can mix mxf and omf in a new project. You have to pick one or the other. Tell us more about your project. What's the project resolution, frame rate, how much of your material is mxf vs. omf?

One main thing to remember is that it is easier to relink from a project file. Do you have the original v. 4 project file available? Avid's database structure is hooked by project files.

Let us know and we'll try to help.
David Parks: DP/Editor: Jacobs Aerospace at NASA Johnson Space Center
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Old March 25th, 2011, 12:01 PM   #3
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Re: Arrrrgh! xfer of MXF, OMF files


Transferred all .project avb, .avs, and .avp files to C/Documents and Settings/All Users/Shared Documents/Shared Avid Projects. (All of my projects are "Shared".) As you know, MXF files are stored in a folder that is separate from the OMF folder. OMF files just barely figure in any of my 22 projects and it is hard to imagine how they could be a factor in this problem, but I'd gladly give them up if it meant I could reconnect to the MXF files. When opening a given project, a popup shows that Avid is reading sequences in a bin, but the sequences all show "Media Offline". Except that some clips for the first time are now showing up in one of the sequences!! It's making me crazy!!! So now I need to re-figure where things stand and will return with that info when I figure it out...or don't! I obviously just don't get it.

Thanks for your offer to help. I really appreciate it.

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Old March 28th, 2011, 03:24 AM   #4
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Re: Arrrrgh! xfer of MXF, OMF files

David et al,

Have had no time to return to this or any other editing issue until now, and can only note that the sequences I thought were opening came in with either video only or audio only, but, thus far, not the two linked together. I ask that no one spend even a nanosecond thinking about this until I have time to tackle it again in about 10 days or so. (Sucks, but that's the way it is.)

Thank you.

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Old April 18th, 2011, 10:56 AM   #5
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Re: Arrrrgh! xfer of MXF, OMF files

You are throwing away the database files in ALL the Avid Mediafiles:MXF:1 and OMFI folders right? Without that an Avid rescan will have no idea where individual media files are (hence, why some my be offline).

I have 3 Avid MC's and transfer projects (for rebuild or "offlines") and media all the time- no issues. The other thing you may wish to do is buy a big/cheap usb drive. Then use MDV to COPY the clips to/from computers- its thorough.
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