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Old September 14th, 2004, 02:52 PM   #151
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Old September 16th, 2004, 12:14 PM   #152
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Batch Digitize in Liquid Edition 5.5

Hi guys.....

A little query for you...!

I have captured a whole tape, and have created a few sequences of edited timelines....however...I have just noticed that my captured avi's have some interference/remnants which are noticeable...(not sure how they appeared...but they are there). They are NOT, however, noticeable on the original tape.


Am I screwed....?!!! Or can I "batch digitise" the whole tape again to recapture everything.

Will this mess up my sequences....and will the original avi be overwritten by the new batch digitise file....?!!

I'm a bit scared to do this....I've spent a good few hours on the sequences....!!!

Thanks in advance
Nick Underwood is offline  
Old September 16th, 2004, 07:21 PM   #153
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Create a new reel and you can capture it again. As long as you put it in a new reel, it is ok. In fact, that is how you handle broken timecodes. Just put them in a new reel. If you do not, they will overwrite the footage with that timecode in that reel.
George Ellis is offline  
Old September 17th, 2004, 01:39 AM   #154
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Thanks George.....

I do actually want to "erase" the originally captured reel from my drive. I don't need it on there taking space if I recapture the tape again....

Will the new reel then be associated with the sequences I have created then?
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Old September 17th, 2004, 09:35 AM   #155
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If you use scene detection and have it create "sub-masters" then you should be able to simply redigitise any specific clips (i.e. the ones exhibiting the problem).

How much memory do you have? I used to have this problem from time to time until I ugraded to 1GB (from 500MB)

" Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others." - Groucho Marx
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Old September 27th, 2004, 11:25 AM   #156
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Avid Xpress Studio Complete

Hi all, I worked for years with In-sync Speed Razor and now I work with Pinnacle Liquid Edition. I'm happy with it but I'm curious about this "total solution" by Avid.
What's your experience?

Thanks in advance for the answers.

Maurizio, Italy.
Maurizio Panella is offline  
Old September 30th, 2004, 03:53 AM   #157
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I have XPro + Mojo. I am pretty happy with the current set up. With complete, you'll also get Pro Tools etc. Basically everything you need for DV productions. Avid FX is Boris Red, which is a nice addition. I think the only weak link is Avid 3D, whick is very limited. For $495, you can get Softimage XSI foundation, although a bit harder to learn, it's much more powerful.
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Old September 30th, 2004, 08:50 AM   #158
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If you have a need/desire to create 3d models on your own, thenAvid 3D is not for you. It's really designed for editors who just need a 3d object they can manipulate. You can download 3d objects, (Thousands of different things) that are ready made to use in your productions and they are ready to go. But if you are creating specific objects, then yes, Softimage XSI is the software for you.
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Old October 1st, 2004, 01:39 PM   #159
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The PT LE that comes with this program is something to be desired. It is ok for video editing but really comes short of having real protools.
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Old October 1st, 2004, 01:41 PM   #160
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Also comes with the digidesign sound board. I forget which model.
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Old October 13th, 2004, 06:09 AM   #161
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Played with Liquid 6 today..

pretty impressive :)

afew notable differences.. basically it now supports HDV footage (pretty similar to Vegas ie, HD projects can have a miriad of formats with it, and it will upsample the footage)
It DOES drop frames (even with background rendering, but most of the time its ok.. ) this is still being worked on...

also running a steinberg audio engine, offering 5.1, now tis 5.1 set up is NOT certified by dolby labs, so if you want to make commercial DVD's with the appropriate Dolby Licenses, you can forget it.. this may change in the future though.

2 different views which are switchable between classic and new.. the new looks a lil like a cross between edius and prem pro.
(prem pro is teh pinnacle target market)

Audio mixers were quite impressive but then again, steinberg are prolly one of the best audio developers in teh world so its to be expected.
Keyframing of surround sound cannot be referenced visual elements on screen. reason being is that it opens up a new menu which overtakes teh whole page.. and u pretty much have to guess the positioning of the audio
One thing i liked about it, is that it allows the use of multipl soundcards, you can route front channels to one card, rear chanels to another etcetc.. for the real worl, this wont be needed... BUT if you dont have al these soundcards you dont need it anywyas, as the breakout box has a built in optical/coaaaaaax output for digital output into a surround processer/reciever. Its still outputting raw wav though, not an actual ac3.
I also noticed that you can import VOB files (again like Vegas) which are treated as mpg2, however there is no ac3 audio import support yet.. we were using a beta release but there were menus which i beleive allowed for teh demuxing of imported VOBs... i dont know how Dolby Labs would take this as once a product is encoded, DL dont like it to be messed with, as it compromoses quality.

multicam works a treat, however it is strictly for hard cuts else youd liose sync. set up your video files, and hit play.. watch the footage and click on each respective moving video clip to mark its entrance.
You must then manually import that as a new "clip" works ok, but it still needs some work as there is still alot of manual finetuning required for true multicamming. Prob here is that you you literally cannot shuffle individual clips to sync them by a clapper board or flash or whatever.. maybe i missed something but i didnt see any facilty to line each clip THEN to multicam it.. it was done in a menu..
This makes it hard when one camera is out of sync..

what else.. umm dvd authoring is pretty much the same..

theyve also gotten rid of the atrociaous pinnacle start button garbage and working within a real windows environment.


what else was there..

afew new Hollywood effects..

teh background rendering still exists, btu i dont think theyre refined the file system issues..

oh one thing, i asked about the breakout box. they didnt have one to demo however it IS powered, so if ur on a laptop, youll need another power supply for the box alone. Even if your runnigna desktop, you will need to feed power to it..

thats about it really..
theres alot mroe to the audio aspects as it allows for vst and dx effects, but theyre not automatable.. and applying effects (from what i saw) are on a track level, not a clip level..
Audio bus routes are also provided, but its not as "live" or streamlined as Vegas.
from waht i saw, aaudio was treated as a seperate entity run by a different series of menus. I hate menus, and for video its essential to SEE what your hearing.. especially for surround work..

effects and filters for video are taken straight from Vegas Camp, being that there are 2 levels of effects. Individual Clip effects, and Track Effects.

but thats about it really.. theres prolly alot more there, but as it was a beta, half teh audio elements werent working, and may not b included for the launch date..

either way its an impressive upgrade for 5.5 users and for 400 bux AU, (upgrade price) its a bargain

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Old October 15th, 2004, 09:26 PM   #162
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its official!

Liquid 6 due for shipping this coming monday..

in Aus, upgrade from 5.5 to 6 are about $400 if you bought your liquid prior to Sept 1. If you purchased it after Sept 1, its $110

the Pro (with breakout box) will be going for abotu $1500, and the breakout box WILL NOT be available to purchase on its own.
Also, in Australia, we wont be getting an LE version of WaveLab... pity

oh and the proggy as an outright purchase is $999

all these prices are AU, but itll give u an idea of what to expect
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Old October 15th, 2004, 09:30 PM   #163
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And if you are bored, you can read the 948 page manual found at this link
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Old October 28th, 2004, 07:57 AM   #164
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got my liquid 6 and breakout box today..

hmm.. very snazzy lookin unit i must say..
this unit will sell for the breakout box on its own...

im not a pinnacle head by nature, but this unit IS a nice lookin unit and comes with a lil stand... one thing abotu it though was the build of teh soockets to the chassis was quite poor with uneven and tilted sockets..

the software itself is very simialr to the original but its runnign 5.1 etc etc.. ill be lookin into this on teh weekend when i get a chance so more to follow..
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Old October 28th, 2004, 08:22 AM   #165
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I got my non-Pro last night.
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