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Old March 20th, 2011, 07:56 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Omaha, NE
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Trouble Editing/Trouble Media

Green horn here:
I have two video cameras, which are cheap, that have the occasion to change color temperature mid-shot. See: YouTube - Cotton Fields
(In the last 5 seconds of the clip it turns green, around 2:16 it goes very red)

Secondary, are there easy ways of balancing color temperatures, clip to clip in a series as I have them in this video?

The same cameras, when shooting with highest quality settings, have given me some crummy results: such as the aforementioned. I am wondering if the converter I'm using (Emicsoft MTS converter) is degrading the footage or if the footage is crummy coming off the camera. How do I troubleshoot this? What are simple solutions?

Thanks ahead of time for your advice...:)
Tim Price is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 20th, 2011, 08:20 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: Trouble Editing/Trouble Media

Hi, Tim.................

Well, telling what's coming of the cameras is simple - simply plug whatever interface they have Component/ HDMI etc into any HD tv and play away.

That will solve the Q about the cameras, straight away.

If it's good in that test, it's somewhere further down the line.

Not familiar with the mentioned converter so can't offer any other help.

Chris Soucy is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 14th, 2011, 02:04 PM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Rochester NY
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Re: Trouble Editing/Trouble Media

Hi Tim,
Maybe I can help...I shoot a lot of Band Videos and with Bands unless your outside in the Sun (which can cause it's own problems) you have to deal with a lot of bright lights, colored lights, bright areas of a Stage and Darker or Dim areas of the stage.
For camcorders with Auto White Balance it can really cause havoc.
Near the end of the clip you can even see one of the bright Stage lights in the upper right hand corner!
The point that you speak of is where you Zoom in for a Closeup of the Sax player, by zooming in you close the aperture and amount of light that flows into the camera, Zoom out and you now open that up which lets more light to be flooded on the subject and into camera.
You may want to try using a Manual White Balance.
My Panasonic HDC TM 700 HD Camcorder allows for a lot of adjustments and thus allows me a better shot.

When you are shooting either outside or inside without the Band situation do you see that your shots are more even or Stable?
It just may be the nature of the beast...I do not know what Camcorder or DSL that you are using..
let us know that and maybe someone is more familiar with your actual equipment and subject matter ie Bands and can help you out.

I just know that Band situations are a tough shoot and not as easy as you might think...It is a lighting situation that is tough to work with.

Good Luck,
PS I am new to CyberLink's PowerDirector 9 but some programs will allow you to edit each portion of the final video and you could adjust this shot and then merge with the other clips.
Because your video is moving back and forth it must be due to your 2 camera shoot.
Bud Bolf is offline   Reply

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