Problem exporting a Final Cut AVCHD shot project in Final Cut at
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Old April 8th, 2009, 08:31 PM   #1
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Problem exporting a Final Cut AVCHD shot project in Final Cut

I was wondering if you might be able to solve a problem for me in Final Cut Express.

I just purchased a Canon HF10 camcorder which shoots in the AVCHD format. I"m doing a practice project on Final Cut Express and I am having two related, (I believe) problems with the video after export.

One problem is a ghosting "page wipe" effect.. See link below please of a freeze frame. It's almost like the lines are splitting frames.

The other problem is on fonts, when I "pushslide" them in or out, I get ghosting. See below of freeze frame.

I suspect both are the same issue.

I get this problem with any output I have tried so far.

Both effects are clean and normal when viewed in Final Cut. The effect looks bad after export.

I'm viewing the file in my quicktime viewer. This is where the video looks bad.

If I view the exported file in Final Cut Express or Mpeg Streamclip, the file looks fine.

When the file is posted to You Tube, the file shows the issues. You can see that here at

Ultimately I plan to post many videos either on my website or You Tube.

The video was shot at 60I at 1080I rez

Thank you,

Last edited by Bryan Cady; April 9th, 2009 at 03:13 PM. Reason: Written clearer
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Old April 10th, 2009, 03:17 AM   #2
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The problem is the i!!!

You are shooting and editing interlaced footage, which was a solution in the beginning of TV to save bandwidth. Now, more than 60 years later we still have to fight with interlaced footage every once in a while...

So I recomend you to switch your camcorder to progressive (like 1080p30) and your timeline too (to the same setting as your camcorder). You won't see those horrible lines again!!!
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Old April 10th, 2009, 01:22 PM   #3
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I'm embarrassed to say that I am still not getting this issue solved. I agree that it seems to be the interlacing but when I add the De-interlacing filter from FCE to my video, the problem still persists. I don't want to spend money on the better plugin until I see what FCE does and have the solution.

A few things I might of done wrong at first but rectified. I realized my easy setup was set to DV/video and not AVCHD 1920/1080i 60i. I changed this and created several test clips at different frame rates, and qualities. I haven't been able to get any to look correct.

I have a 30p setting on my Canon HF10 camera and the wipe and font don't look correct with or without the deinterlacing. I was surprised because this setting was made specifically for internet videos.

When using the de-interlacing video, I drag it over every video clip in the sequence and the title clip in the video 2 line. I even changed the parameter in the de-interlacer to odd and even.

Do you have any other ideas. Seems like I must have one little thing out of whack.

Is the setting in the timeline part of the "easy setup" option in FCE?

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Old April 10th, 2009, 01:31 PM   #4
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you first need to "deinterlace" your interlaced video. then import that into a new FC project with the correct settings @ progressive.
and for the future shoot in progressive.
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Old April 10th, 2009, 02:44 PM   #5
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Hanno, I will try that. I have a 30p setting on my camera and test effects with that clip do the same thing.

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Old April 10th, 2009, 03:29 PM   #6
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Just tried it...didn't work Hanno...I must be missing something really simple.
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Old April 11th, 2009, 01:30 AM   #7
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You have your source footage, which is interlaced. If you apply a "deinterlace" filter, it turns progressive but you loose 50% of your resolution.

BUT you also have to make a "progressive" sequence. Click on your sequence "settings"!
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Old April 11th, 2009, 11:42 AM   #8
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Problem solved...kinda...

I got my interlace problem solved. I ran the video through Mpeg Streamclip to do it.

I still have to figure out why the De-interlacing filter wouldn't work in Final Cut Express. I also don't know why the 30P video I shot needs De-interlacing. I'm still learning about HD. The 30P video I shot was still under the 1080I setting as well so is that 30p setting sort of a pseudo setting maybe?

For now I am fine but I plan to to demo the Fieldskit de-interlacing plug in. The site says the plug in is for Final Cut Pro. I assume it would work for Final Cut Express.

I wasn't able to find the "fields" setting in Final Cut Express conversion settings. I'll keep looking. Thanks for all the help guys.
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Old April 11th, 2009, 11:44 AM   #9
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Now this is strange.

I take video shot at the highest quality 17mp. It shot at 1080I and 30p. I start with a new sequence. I change the sequence setting to 720p/30p. I load my clip and I get this statement. "For best performance your sequence and External Video should be set to the format of the clips you are editing, Click Yes or No"

Now...If I click "yes" and then create a page effect, I will get the interlacing issue. That seems odd. The video also dims right before the page peel then brightens back up right after.

Now if I click no to the question above and create the effect, the wipe is fine and needs no de-interlacing.

What I am figuring is that the sequence settings are changing the clip from 1080i/30p to 1080i/60i and that is why a 30p clip needs de-interlacing. Since there is no 1080i/30p setting, it wants to change to the closest setting of 1080i/60i?

Now is there anyway I can get additional sequence settings incorporated into Final Cut Express to get a 1080i/30P setting? It's not a big deal right now but using the 720p/30p setting downsizes the video.

Slowly I am learning.
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Old April 12th, 2009, 02:14 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Bryan Cady View Post
What I am figuring is that the sequence settings are changing the clip from 1080i/30p to 1080i/60i and that is why a 30p clip needs de-interlacing. Since there is no 1080i/30p setting, it wants to change to the closest setting of 1080i/60i?
I have looked it and you are right, it seems Final Cut Express has only a 1080i60 sequence!!! :-((

You don't need to deinterlace your 1080p30, it has a progressive capture so it's built-in, but everytime you apply a transition or an effect or a title it will be rendered in 1080i60... :-((((

I searched Wikipedia and the NTSC black&white standard is from 1941. Here we are 68 years later fighting with interlaced issues...
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