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AVCHD Format Discussion
Inexpensive High Definition H.264 encoding to DVD, Hard Disc or SD Card.

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Old January 1st, 2009, 09:06 AM   #16
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by Larry Horwitz View Post
I had good experience with Vasst Upshift converting AVCHD from my HF100 to HDV.
Larry, thanks for the info. Have you edited that conversion in Pinnacle Studio, and if so what parameters in Vasst Upshift did you you use?
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Old January 1st, 2009, 01:25 PM   #17
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My Vasst Upshift demo expired before I installed Pinnacle so I never had both of them on the machine at the same time. The HDV output did work correctly in Vegas and eliminated the (temporary) issue I had being unable to edit AVCHD direcvtly in Vegas, and this was the only reason I found the Upshift program useful. Thankfully Sony fixed Vegas eventually and it now does AVCHD very well natively.

If you want to send me / link me a short clip which has been transcoded by Vasst, I will be glad to try it now with Pinnacle and see if it imports.

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Old February 5th, 2009, 07:02 AM   #18
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I've been self-reincarnated as a digital videographer after more than 25 years away from mainstream analog radio/TV production.

So far my approach has been to start with the best camcorder I can afford and then work up the NLE ladder (based on cost and informal intelligence gathering on the 'net).

As a long-time user of Roxio, my first attempts were to capture from the XH-A1S and create a DVD with EZMediaCreator 2009. So-so results, some due to graininess caused by poor low-light settings.

So I got sucked in on the Studio 12 Ultimate package last week after the CES show and so far, the free speakers are the best part of the deal.

Studio 12 seems to capture OK, but in other places on these forums the recommendation is to use HDVSplit which makes m2t files which for what ever reason Studio 12 seems to resist! Perhaps they are the same as Studio's m2v, but I haven't really "broken that code" yet!

And the "render EVERYTHING" mode of Studio 12 is quite disturbing since I can see that whatever is in the editor would be just fine....just get it on a DVD.

So here I sit, ready to spend the $$$ and time but not sure which way to jump with regard to a NLE configuration that will serve me well. Or maybe just get more familiar with Studio 12.

I'd prefer to stay with Vista-64 but if I really need to go to a Mac, we're prepared to do so.

My projects/outputs will be multi-purpose, although probably NOT for commercial broadcast, but definitely for DVD and perhaps some day to BR, as well as web (Vimeo/YouTube). The goal is to assist Christian faith-based groups and selected "family values oriented" non-profits to have high quality digital media but without the cost of out-sourced commercial production.

I should also add that I have a full suite of audio production tools: Digidesign 003+, ProTools, several Rode NT5s, etc. And some of the productions will be southern gospel musicians/groups who often perform with CD-grade accompaniment tracks and live mics. We will likely want to capture video with a feed from the master mix board but run an independent set of audio in ProTools, then sync it in post.

Hopefully this is not too far off-topic, but surely someone will note that if it is! lol. Thanks in advance to anyone who may have relevant insights/experience/advice, whether by posting or PM.

Dave Nuttall
San Antonio, Texas
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Old February 7th, 2009, 07:25 AM   #19
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Well, just got back from vacation (yes even in retirement, we get vacations). In a week or so, I hope to get hold of my friends FX7 and download some HDV footage. Then I will be putting together a program using both the FX7 footage and my SR11 footage and burning it as AVCHD on a DVD. Will try both Pinnacle Studio 12 and Nero. Will give an update when I can.

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