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Old December 21st, 2008, 10:47 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Ron Evans View Post
I use Edius too and to edit video from my SR11 I need to convert to HQ which then is realtime, file gets about 4 times bigger of course!!!. I normally edit multicam with two FX1's and the SR11. I don't convert the HDV though. Vegas Pro8 will play realtime on the timeline but at reduced resolution depending on the processor you have. For family stuff shot on my SR11 and my daughters SR7 I use Vegas. Much faster for single track editing and output to DVD Architect 5.0 for Bluray or SD DVD is easy too.
As to camera choices I stay with Sony because of the Lanc control for tripod use.
Ron Evans
Ron, yes, I would anticipate no issues once converted to the Canopus codec. I tried to play around with the files natively, and that just didn't work well. If I was going to do serious editing with AVCHD files, it appears that conversion is a must to the HQ codec.

Have you tried viewing the end result vs the original files on the cam? I'm wondering if you take any hit doing that. When I was doing a bit of editing with Edius and HDV, I saw no loss at all with the HQ codec. However, with the somewhat higher resolutions of the AVCHD files, I wonder if you can now begin to see any deterioration in quality.
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Old December 21st, 2008, 12:43 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Rob Kral View Post
And with that, I forgot to ask my question which is:

Ken (and anyone), I've mad my choice and happily pruchased the HG21, coming soon.

But I do wonder, what is the recording of MOTION like on these AVCHD cameras lately, compared to tape cameras like HV30?
I've found that motion looks just fine in final renders from AVCHD source, provided your camera moves are reasonably controlled. Preview display in Vegas pro 8 is another matter entirely, and I've found reducing the preview settings WAY down is needed, or you get some serious motion smear - I think they still have some work to do on the software...

I don't mind editing at lower preview settings, and you have to respect that in order to repro the frames in "real time", there's a lot of 1's and 0's flying in, out and around your processor, memory, and disks - and any glitch in optimization or bottleneck in speed can lead to issues, just like the early days of HDV. HDV took a couple years to become "smooth" to work with, AVCHD still could use some ironing... but to me it looks better in the final results, and I really like the tapeless workflow and micro camera sizes.

We ALL wish for a return of cameras with actual usable manual control... the banishment of the "EASY" button is not too likely, but the ability to program it into some USEFUL for anyone with more than 10 minutes of camera experience would be a nice start!!!

Enjoy the HG21 - looks like a nice camera, I'm intrigued by the report that it's so obviously better IQ than the SR11/12 - that seems hard to believe, but technology marches forward!
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Old January 9th, 2009, 04:51 PM   #18
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camera rotation?!


I (we) know you toss out cameras once a better one (better PQ) comes out. I know you have lately preferred your HG21. These new cams, and you know this question is coming, these new it time maybe to consider ditching the viewfinder?!

It will be very interesting to see the picture quality on these. I'm a big fan of viewfinders and have always I thought that I just can't buy a camcorder without one...but seeing the HF S10 specs etc this is the first time I'm really tempted. Can't wait to hear the reviews.
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Old January 9th, 2009, 07:00 PM   #19
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Rob, I know it IS tempting, but damn, I need that viewfinder. With that said, if the picture is really that much better, I don't know what I'd do!
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Old January 9th, 2009, 08:10 PM   #20
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Can't wait to hear your opinion. I just KNOW you're gonna be down at the store checking it out, "buying" it with possible refund or slipping in an SD card in the store.

I mean who wouldn't.

But viewfinder's rule in my book too.
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Old January 11th, 2009, 03:45 AM   #21
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OOOH this could be very interesting too:

Panasonic HDC-HS300 (wow that really rolls of the tongue)...

3mos, the sensors are larger this time with LESS pixels, and a FOCUS / ZOOM ring, WITH VIEWFINDER.
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Old January 11th, 2009, 10:11 AM   #22
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Rob, it still looks like the Panny is using essentially 1/4" chips (actually a bit smaller). So we'll have to see if the image is actually better than previous Panasonics.
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Old January 11th, 2009, 02:37 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Robert Young View Post
Meanwhile, I think I'll hang on to my SR12 for a while.
In some ways, it's more amazing to me than my EX1.
I also feel the same after editing clips from both. i am always impressed about these little cameras, more than i usually am about the pro lines with the pro price.

Right now i think the Vixia HF S10 will probably be the best release this quarter, but i am curious about the Samsung HMX-R10 performance and its big sensor.

I am glad were reaching close to 1/2 sensors on these little HD animals.
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