Mac Log and Transfer camera flash artifact
Shot footage of models doing the catwalk thing at night (don't ask!) using the Canon HF 100. I was between two still photogs whose camera flashes kept going off.
I have a Panasonic consumer HDTV which has a slot for SDHC chips. Simply plugging the chip in gives a great, if somewhat dark image of the models strutting their stuff. The flashes tend to expose either the top or bottom of the ladies but in a natural, progressive way, as you'd expect.
Interesting, when I log and transfer using Final Cut Pro (or iMovie) using EITHER ProRes 422 or AIC I get a weird, utterly artificial horizontal line of demarcation of light above or below; Bright above, dark below, or the reverse; separated by an utterly sharp line. It's usable, if weird.
Using all the most recent stuff, including a spanking new dual quadcore with 8 gigs of RAM.