big foot film stabalized at
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Old August 15th, 2006, 02:01 PM   #1
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big foot film stabalized

it's sorta a cruddie google video , but i've sen a clearer version. what ya think
(this is the famous patterson film stabalized)
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Old August 15th, 2006, 02:34 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Tim Goldman
what ya think
I think it's a guy in a gorilla suit...
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Old August 15th, 2006, 02:44 PM   #3
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of course it's a guy in a gorilla suit! anyway, when this film was made, patterson and his sidekcik just "happened" too be riding horses searching for big foot (sheeesh), and they caught this guy walking away.
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Old August 15th, 2006, 04:07 PM   #4
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They have the zaprudder JFK film up there as well.
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Old August 15th, 2006, 05:27 PM   #5
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Yep, I watched both of those over and over... gives you a different perspective!
Bigfoot is a fake, and the driver didn't shoot Kennedy... now the Secret Service guy in the following car, that's another story...
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Old August 16th, 2006, 01:04 AM   #6
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The Patterson Bigfoot film was revealed in later years to have been staged. An investigative TV show even located the guy in the ape suit. He was 7 feet tall and weighed about 300 lbs. They videotaped him walking down a sidewalk near his home and his posture, stride and general mannerisms were exactly a match for what you saw in the film.

It's too bad that there have been so many Bigfoot hoaxes, as they detract from the credibility of their existence. However, no matter how many fake Bigfoots have been claimed, this doesn't change the reality of which I and a few others have been privileged to experience.
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Old August 16th, 2006, 07:44 AM   #7
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if ever there was a perfect place in the US for a bigfoot sighting, it would be oregon! i can completely accept strange things in those strange, diverse forests. what have you seen, steve?

two of my friends once witnessed what i believe to be a sloth in a tree in colorado. how it got there, i do not know....
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Old August 16th, 2006, 11:05 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Meryem Ersoz
if ever there was a perfect place in the US for a Bigfoot sighting, it would be Oregon! I can completely accept strange things in those strange, diverse forests. What have you seen, Steve?
To begin, there have been many types of giant mammals throughout the ages, including some primates. There is a fossil record of Gigantopithecus in Asia, which seems to be a likely Bigfoot ancestor and may have been even larger. Within just the last century, a giant lemur, of up to 500 lbs. in size, lived in Madagascar and some believe could still survive in the remote NE corner of the island. Most people don't hear of the evidence for such things, for the same reason that 500 years ago, it was heretical to claim that the Earth was round and that it was not the center of the Universe. Although these specific myths have been put to rest, this doesn't mean that the hierarchical mindset behind them isn't still functioning regarding other matters.

In 1970, I went on a strange journey into our mountain wilderness with a person from my past, who was most remarkable. At times, it seemed we crossed several dimensional barriers. I've attempted to relocate the places we visited, but have been unable to find them without this companion and guide. I pledged not to reveal what I experienced for a period of 25 years. This has now expired, but I remain reluctant to breach the confidence to which I was entrusted. This person has disappeared from my life, but I will have to find and consult with her, before I discuss the encounter to which I alluded in my previous message.

She had a real-life identity, but I believe her role as the Mysterious Mountain Woman went beyond that. In our relationship, she would vanish for several days at a time and where she had been was not to be questioned or answered. I finally confronted her and said that I had an idea about where she went and that I wanted to go with her. She then took me along for an adventure I couldn't have imagined. She could communicate without words and not just with people.

I've tried to find her since, but all traces of her have been erased. This includes friends of hers who I met, her family members, home addresses, phone numbers and two businesses her father operated. Several of my lifelong friends who met her, now insist they have no memory of such a person. There's much more to this, but it's too personal to discuss. Perhaps someday, I'll resolve everything about her and what she revealed to me, but perhaps not.
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Old August 16th, 2006, 11:32 PM   #9
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The clips

I watched both of the clips. Having seen what bullets do to people, while serving in the Marie corps, the picture is rather interesting. the spatter seeems wrong, angle wise. Wish I had the original footage to access. I saw a head shot once, the break away was on the back side, was massive and it made the head bounce. Not a pretty site the picture doesn't jive for me.
the ape fake walked like a human, not a primate.
Dale W. Guthormsen
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Old August 17th, 2006, 01:01 AM   #10
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Maybe a bear ate her.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 04:55 AM   #11
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wasn't that grizzly man's fate? and that lady that was with him (and yes, the grizzly man was a moron, bears are unlike gorillas in that bears eat you, gorillas capture your girlfreind then throw barrels at you)

as for the flat earth myth, that's just 1970's grade school nonsense, the acient greeks knew it was round, any decent sailor would have known it was round (after all, ships dissapere over the horizin, of a flat surface this wouldn't happen).

There was an indian guy interviewed on this one big foot show..american indian, not hindu indian, and he said big foot was a magic man with special powers, who knows...maybe the indians have it right....american indians...not hindu indians...alhto i suspect they have it right also.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 09:10 AM   #12
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Imagine if the Patterson film ended with bigfoot getting shot in the head.

I heard a theory that John Chambers, who did the makeup for Planet of the Apes, did the costume for the Patterson film.

They exposed the Loch Ness photo as a fake too.

Isnt anything sacred anymore.

The earth looks flat when I am walking down the street.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 11:36 AM   #13
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if you were taller it wouldn't (course that'd be freakishly tall).

And if it were flat, you could see very far away things with no trobule if you climbed a hill or went u a tower or something, but you can't, (well i m ean you can't cause of the curve of the earth) and even medieval people would know this, well the smart ones that went up in towers, i supose thoese living in lowlands with no hills or towers wouldn't really think about it.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 03:14 PM   #14
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All conspiracies aside, that is a nice stabilization job on both.
Do you think that was done by hand? If so, in what program? If not, then by what?
Barry Gribble
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Old August 17th, 2006, 03:17 PM   #15
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When i got the original e-mail about the video (this was a year mago maybe) it claimed it was done on flash...I dunno, the quality on the original version i saw was better i think, youtube and google are pretty cruddie for image quality.
I supose it would be by hand, altho there might be soem software app that i dunno of.
Wish I had something witty to say
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