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Old March 20th, 2006, 06:41 PM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 219
Was it photoshoped?

Alright, this is pretty cool. While it's not video, I think it's great! It could be used in videos as well.

It's about perception and illusion.

I was watching a Korean TV show about the latest internet crazy happening in Korea. The news crew tracked down two groups of people that started a big crazy.

One group is a group of four college girls that takes pictures with their digital camera of them with celebrities. What? That's been done before. Not like this. You cut a picture of the celebrity's face and place it in front of the camera. Place the distance between the face, the person you're attaching the face to, and the person standing next to the fake celebrity. Done right, it actually looks like you're standing next to a celebrity. Of course, holding the picture of the face up with your finger and thumb shows up on camera. :)

The second group is by a man working in a mobile phone shop. I think this guy did the best effects. They showed clips of a HUGE finger of a giant pushing against the man's cheek. You can see the indentation of the finger against the side of the man's face! Anyone looking at it would probably say, photoshoped! No, it's old school. You see another clip with a man about to drink from a cup, his mouth wide open and you see a small man falling in towards the man's mouth. All this done without computer special effects.

Another shot is a picture of a large finger and thumb of a giant pulling on a small man's necktie.

How was it done? It's so simple you'd slap your palm against your forehead.

For the giant finger on the man's face, have an assistant push against the man's cheek with his hand. Cover up the hand and arm with your finger. Shoot the picture with your finger covering the hand and arm, and you get a nice effect.

The man in the cup. Have a man standing on top of a chair bend towards the camera frame with a look like he can't believe he's falling in to a giant's mouth. Frame the cup and mouth to cover the man's legs and there you have it.

Large thumb and finger holding a man's necktie. Have an assistant hold out the necktie and the man wearing the necktie act like he's being pulled towards the giant by the force of the necktie. Cover up the man holding the necktie with the thumb and finger.

Why was it done? He got bored working at the mobile phone shop. When customer's weren't coming in, he and the other staff memebers starting taking pictures with the demo hand phones.

Sometimes a solution is so simple that we don't see the answer in front of us...
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Old April 6th, 2006, 10:47 AM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 424
forced perspective is one of the oldest tricks in the book
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