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Old October 11th, 2005, 09:11 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Christopher C. Murphy
Hot chicken wings with a good dark Microbrew beer post gig is the best. For any of you that shoot in know the deal!!
Ahhh...Murph, you found my soft spot. I LOVE hot chicken wings. If they're on the menu and I haven't already tried them, I order them. Shiner Bock and wings. Oh man, I'm getting a craving just typing this.

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Old October 11th, 2005, 10:20 PM   #17
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Shiner Bock and wings? That's breakfast where I come from. Bring it on!

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Old October 12th, 2005, 06:31 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Chris Hurd
Shiner Bock and wings? That's breakfast where I come from. Bring it on!
Hehe, wanna do breakfast with me? I'm all in for that. I grow Habanero peppers and man, those suckers are mega-potent. The only thing hotter is the Red Savina and I haven't got any of those yet.

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Old October 14th, 2005, 01:19 PM   #19
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Funny story...and I mean, hilarious!!!!!

Oh man, I'm getting cravings. I just emailed my girlfriend...we're going for hot wings and beer after work!

** Just a funny (quick) story.

I was on a shoot one time and there was a farm across the street. We went over and picked a few peppers from their garden. Yes, technically stole them!

Ok, so...we all get in the car and start eating them. In about 20 seconds...almost exactly at the same time we all went "uh oh....Uh Oh.....UH OH.....UUUHHH OOHHH!!!"

We all jumped out of the car and started running around the parking lot screaming like children. The peppers were SO hot...the hottest I've ever had in my life. (and I've had the hottest imaginable when I can get them)

So, we're freaking out like babies...and the guy who owns the farm comes around the corner with a garden hose. He says, "Did you learn your lessons boys?"

Oh man...does anyone even know why they were so damn hot? They were green...about 4-5 inches long and the seeds were just killer hot. This was in Mass., so I'm not sure if you Texan's would even know?

Christopher C. Murphy
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Old October 14th, 2005, 01:36 PM   #20
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Sounds like a regular jalepeno to me. They can vary a lot, and I've had a couple that were just insanely hot, the kind that burn the outside of your lips.
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Old October 14th, 2005, 01:46 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Christopher C. Murphy
Oh man, I'm getting cravings. I just emailed my girlfriend...we're going for hot wings and beer after work!

** Just a funny (quick) story.

I was on a shoot one time and there was a farm across the street. We went over and picked a few peppers from their garden. Yes, technically stole them!

Ok, so...we all get in the car and start eating them. In about 20 seconds...almost exactly at the same time we all went "uh oh....Uh Oh.....UH OH.....UUUHHH OOHHH!!!"

We all jumped out of the car and started running around the parking lot screaming like children. The peppers were SO hot...the hottest I've ever had in my life. (and I've had the hottest imaginable when I can get them)

So, we're freaking out like babies...and the guy who owns the farm comes around the corner with a garden hose. He says, "Did you learn your lessons boys?"

Oh man...does anyone even know why they were so damn hot? They were green...about 4-5 inches long and the seeds were just killer hot. This was in Mass., so I'm not sure if you Texan's would even know?

Don't know for sure Murph what you guys got hold of. I'm wondering if it was the unripened version of those red ones that come in hot Chinese food dishes. Those things pack a whallop also. Oddly enough, in my research of hot peppers I have learned that it's kind of a myth about the seeds being the hottest. See this link. The capsaicin is actually contained in the placenta of the fruit which is part of the interior. I usually oven dry my habaneros and then crush them by hand, followed by being dumped in a mini coffee grinder. From that, I get dry, powdered habanero that I keep in a jar to 'sprinkle' on when I want to jack up the heat level.

And just to keep this on topic, eating all that hot food requires lots of cold beer to wash it down. But I haven't determined how it affects my creativity yet.

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Old October 14th, 2005, 02:55 PM   #22
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Lol, I think beer positively affects creative juices.

Anyone out there eat Pastene hot peppers? I keep one shelf in my fridge completely stocked with their bottled eats. I always have finger peppers, ring peppers (their best), peperoncini's, crushed red peppers and all their olives etc. My name is Murphy, but I'm actually mostly Italian!

Oh man, if you guys want the best hot pepper finger food ever...try this:

Buy the "Hot Cherry Peppers" from Pastene. Take out the stem and insides, stuff in some Motzeralla cheese and some pepperoni. It's the best thing you'll ever taste in your whole me!
Christopher C. Murphy
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Old October 14th, 2005, 04:36 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Dylan Couper
I'm not sure, I usualy drink Scotch.
And after all the trouble I went to to get you on Vodka. Geeez.
And here in VA, they don't sell Canadian Vodka (state controlled stores)
the pikers.

Lets see...
Good German beer, Johnsonville anything, grilled over charcoal of course.
Sorry, I don't even know what beer brands are Danish. But very willing to learn:) Enjoy good Belgium double bock when available.

I've recently discovered a single barrel bourbon (thanks to my brother) that tastes like the nectar of the Gods, and I don't usually like Bourbon.
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Old October 14th, 2005, 05:48 PM   #24
Capt. Quirk
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Beer... Sam Adam's Cherry Wheat and Little Debbies swiss cakes- frozen, of course. Sounds wierd, but chocolate goes well with this beer.
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Old October 16th, 2005, 09:12 PM   #25
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fav beer? whatever gets me drunk. :)
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Old October 18th, 2005, 06:17 PM   #26
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I'm with you, Scott. Sometimes a man just needs his drink; the stronger, the better. ;-)
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Old October 25th, 2005, 11:27 PM   #27
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I'm a firm believer in the purity of vision achieved through imbibition of single malt scotches that are aged sixteen years, or more.

Decent film/video production can be achieved on Long Trail Ale, a Vermont Microbrew that is damn fine.
Mark Sasahara
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Old December 21st, 2005, 05:56 PM   #28
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I'm thinking the alcohol of choice can be one of the best crew audition questions. Personally, when I hear my DP *only* drinks some sharp, bitter dark beer with a mile long name, I know that I'm in for an argument down the road about the purity of the angles. I want to know that you'll crack a warm bud can after (or shortly before) we wrap, simply because it's what we have left in the trunk and because it gets the job done.

But, if someone's doing the preparty shopping:

Duvels, Trader Joes Vintage Ale (no kidding), MGD in the biggest bottle you can find, Sam Adams Octoberfest (unfortunately available only a month a year), most any Heffeweisner, and Murphys Irish (especially with a shot from any of the options in the line below)

Glenmoraigne, Balvenie Doublewood, Crown Royal Special Reserve

Level1 and Mr. and Mrs. T's Spicy Blood Mary

Oh and hoorah to all who lauded the fine benefits of hot wings. Throw on a black and tan, a pile of napkins, and an attentive bartendress and you have all the meal I need.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 08:46 PM   #29
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It's a vital part of pre-pro, for production to plan for and facilitate cold brewskis, or if the crew is English, room temp Guiness. C'mon, if you can keep all your film stock cold, there's room in there for a few Heinie Keg Cans*. I must admonish you for bad prep if you're drinking warm beer, that's sooo amateur. The Clapper/Loader, or intern is responsible for beverages. My other set bag is a Playmate.

Unless someone actually prefers Bud, for God's sake, don't even look at that sh-t, it's like fizzy formaldehyde- Barf!

I don't know about creativity, but there's some shoots where you'd rather start the day with a beer and a shot. Hmm, come to think of it, that's pretty much how I start every day.


Note to self: give away coffee maker.

*Bottles can break, so cans are best.
Mark Sasahara
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Old December 22nd, 2005, 05:07 PM   #30
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The line about "my other set bag..." sounds like a good bumper sticker. I wonder how many folks would get it?

Or, maybe this for a bumper sticker..."My Clapper/Loader better have a cold Hiney"


Sticking with Guniess and Baileys. In fact, heading off the clock - MY GOD, it's after 6pm! Why am I typing this. I need Baileys.

‘I don’t know what I’m doing, and I’m shooting on D.V.’
- my hero - David Lynch
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