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Old June 10th, 2011, 08:45 AM   #31
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

Yup, it really demonstrates the difference between cultures. The Japanese play their cards close to their chest with every move carefully thought out.
They even check with their Japanese competitors to make sure that what they do stays within the boundaries of good manners and general acceptance. It would be seen as vain and arrogant to over-do it.
I do think the 5DMKII is one place where these rules didn't apply - BY MISTAKE.

Canon appears _to me_ to be a company who is especially traditional in Japanese corporate culture (I could be wrong, but Mr. Hurd has real experience and might chime in).

OTOH, RED, though run by JJ who is an Aussie, follows the tradition of American biz. They may be brash, boastful, arrogant and ambitious, but they are doing things and accomplishing goals that are well beyond the norm. They have changed the movie making world and it is that simple.
It ain't bragging if you can back it up, and so far RED, though behind in delivering their brash predictions, also lets it's customers know what is going on - almost in realtime, even if that is 'too much information' for many who prefer the Japanese style.
Jacques Mersereau
University of Michigan-Video Studio Manager
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Old June 10th, 2011, 08:36 PM   #32
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

Originally Posted by Simon Wood View Post
That Yamato rumor is nearly a year old though. If Canon is working on something you'd imagine they would release some info to that effect; but officially there is nothing. Considering the impact the Canon DSLR's have had on the video production world it really is surprising that Canon hasn't taken the bull it created firmly by the horns.
While it's true Sony shows off real prototypes (rather than just pie-in-the-sky concepts) as much as a year in advance (e.g., the F3), Canon doesn't do that. They just don't seem to have Sony's arrogance or penchant for self-aggrandizement.

Also, the Yamato rumor has been debunked, since its alleged specs make no sense. For example, it's said to have three 4K full-frame sensors, which, if true, would make it incompatible with Canon's own cinema lenses (at least without modification). In addition, it's supposed to have a 20-stop dynamic range, which, though possible, is a little far-fetched.

Even if the Yamato were real, the tsunami and earthquakes have set Canon back. Rather than announce such a radical (and arguably nonsensical) design -- and thereby show their hand -- Canon might have decided to postpone announcements until certain they could reasonably meet a stated release date.
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Old June 11th, 2011, 12:46 PM   #33
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

Canon's CEO in Japan put out a press release a few weeks ago saying that Canon would be back at full speed by mid June..........Also, Michael! you are a very bad boy!

Jim Martin
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Old June 21st, 2011, 11:54 AM   #34
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

We're past the middle of the month - Oh Canon, where for art thou?
Jacques Mersereau
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Old June 21st, 2011, 12:06 PM   #35
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

I wouldn't expect any sort of announcement until the next major industry trade show... and maybe not even then.

Originally Posted by Jacques Mersereau View Post
RED, though run by JJ who is an Aussie
Not sure where that idea came from.

Actually he's every inch an American, born and raised in California.

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Old June 21st, 2011, 12:49 PM   #36
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

I stand corrected Chris - and it make sense as to his "american biz style" (which I like).
Not sure why I thought he was Aussie - my apologies - 'no worries' Jim!

Still, it would appear that the followers of both Canon and Red need to RE-fill their "patience tanks".

What might be the next trade show that Canon *might possibly* have something?
Jacques Mersereau
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Old June 21st, 2011, 12:58 PM   #37
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

Well, I don't know anything, and even if I did, then I couldn't say.

It is notable though that back in September 2005, the very first showing of the XL H1 was at the IBC expo in Amsterdam.

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Old June 29th, 2011, 10:27 PM   #38
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

"back at full speed" might be somewhat optimistic... although the "recovery" seems to have been going surprisingly well and some things that just weren't in the supply chain seem to be coming through in quantity.

I would imagine job #1 would be re-filling the supply chain on EXISTING product, cash flow and all that...

AFTER that, and whatever cleaup was required, and getting used to working around any power related issues... I'd expect them to be announcing "new" toys.

Keep in mind that unlike here, where camera specs and details of upcoming technology are equivalent to air... it's the average consumer that the companies will be concerned with.

The manufacturer has to keep product on shelves and in front of the "average" buyer, who really isn't probably going to even know half of the details that make something "new and cool". If the consumer walks into the big blue box and the "CanSoNic" ain't on the shelf, they go buy something else - priorites...
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Old August 15th, 2011, 01:24 PM   #39
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

I was hoping that the delay caused by the disaster would give engineers time to take another step forward. There have been so many wish list and we all have our own. I have looked heavily at the FS 100 and somehow it seems lacking. HDMI 4:2:2 instead of HD/SDI. Is that bad, well I don't know ? 28 mbps, My thinking was that 4:2:2 uncompressed would be more than 28 mbps, how does that work ? And then the lens selection, which way to go ??

We have been through one cycle of "it's new camera season" and then the disaster hit. The still folks are chomping at the bit for 5d III and 1DS MK 4, The XLH1S has long since disappeared from canons site and the PMW EX3 is getting scarce on shelves. It almost feels like there is an enormous hole that needs to be filled, even worse for us shoulder mount people.

I would like a new mid level shoulder mount 1080 60p CF or SDHC memory camcorder, 17 or 20x HD lens, dual cards, plenty of I/O's, an answer to high price batteries, and an image with no CA or funny stuff. And 4:2:2 50mbps internally recordable. But I am no one special and may not get what I want.

Is there a next generation XLH1S or PMW EX3 ??

Last edited by Don Parrish; August 16th, 2011 at 05:48 AM.
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Old August 31st, 2011, 08:10 AM   #40
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

From the IBC tradeshow exhibitor listing

""Canon, a world leader in imaging technology solutions will proudly be exhibiting at IBC 2011. On show will be a full range of HD broadcast lenses, camcorders and DSLRs.

Canon will also be featuring its 3D solutions, and a number of new products and developments including the new PL-mount cine lenses, which conform to the 4K production standards, the latest Remote Control Pan-Tilt Systems, the new KJ20x8.2B with extender and much more!""
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Old September 1st, 2011, 10:30 AM   #41
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

Maybe there will be something "under glass" like when they showed the XL H1 before its announcement back in....what was it?? 2006??

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Old September 2nd, 2011, 07:51 PM   #42
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

Maybe the field needs another 'threat from the East' to propel things along? Seen this ..

DSLR News Shooter | BIRTV 2011 – China’s answer to Red? The Kinefinity KineRAW S35 digital cinema camera for US$8000

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Old September 2nd, 2011, 08:16 PM   #43
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

Discussion already underway on that:

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Old September 3rd, 2011, 02:30 AM   #44
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

There are new (or recycled) reports that an EF mounted videocamera will be announced in October.

But then again, this is about the 3rd time this rumor has surfaced....
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Old September 14th, 2011, 05:37 AM   #45
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Re: Canon, where oh where art thou?

I think we have to be close to something, the 1D MK IV and 1DS MK III have been unavailable at the B & H for a long time. The photojournalist and still pro's that need replacement gear are going to run into problems if something doesn't hit the market soon. I can't see Canon being that blind. Add to those stores for out of stock Ritz, New Egg, Adorama.
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