FWIW: FCP Alive and Well? at DVinfo.net
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Old March 10th, 2010, 09:09 PM   #1
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FWIW: FCP Alive and Well?

Taken with a huge grain of salt, but nice to hear.
Steve Jobs: “Final Cut Pro is Alive and Well” Mac Soda
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Old March 19th, 2010, 10:17 AM   #2
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Good news for FCP users certainly.

Apple simply makes its moves very privately, and that certainly fuels all sorts of speculation.

As long as ProApps makes money, it justifies its existence. Buying ProApps would be an interesting venture for a third party as you'd be dependent on one computer manufacturer to continue manufacturing the hardware to run the software. FCP started life on the PC (Macromedia developed the base software and sold it to Apple), but I doubt it would port back very easily from its current state...

Now...you also have to consider that Steve Jobs said that "Apple has no plans to make a tablet" in 2003 and Apple filed a patent for a touch tablet mechanism in 2004.

Times change.

I remember telling a friend that I have no plans to have my hair turn gray and develop a balding spot. Now I have to spin this as "...a change in plans to optimize weight and wind resistance...and justify spiffy hats on sunny days."

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